Linda Brown dox age 57 address 1921 N Ventura Rd, APT C, Oxnard, CA 93036-3055 Current Phone Number: (805) 628-3438 Linda Brown currently lives at 1921 N Ventura Rd, APT C, Oxnard, CA 93036-3055 . The phone number Linda Brown is currently using is (805) 628-3438 Previous Phone Numbers: (805) 890-1790 - Wireless (805) 485-1249 - Landline (805) 654-1972 - Landline (805) 488-7573 - Landline (805) 653-0460 - Landline (805) 654-1263 family members Bettina Brown (805) 487-0253 Edward Brown (805) 487-0253 Esther Browngonzalez (805) 607-7462 Isaac Brown (805) 263-9890 Email Addresses for Linda Brown in Oxnard, CA Linda Brown is 57 years old and was born in June of 1967. Currently Linda lives at the address 1921 N Ventura Rd, Unit C, Oxnard CA 93036. Linda has lived at this Oxnard, CA address for about 17 years, after moving in around February of 2007. Linda previously lived at 2232 Pajaro St, Oxnard CA 93030 for 3 days, starting in December of 2010. Going further back, starting in March of 2010, Linda lived at 63 El Medio St, Ventura CA 93001 for 5 years. is the most current email Linda Brown may also go by the following names or aliases: Linda Bernice Brown, Linda B Broiwn The following people are friends, co-workers, partners, roomates, or otherwise associated with Linda Brown: Juanita Valadez, Ramona Perez, Anthony Johnson, Dedra Faust, Demetrius Mccurtis, Denisha Faust, Jimmie Weathers, Lourdes Tapia, Roberta Hernandez, Andrez Bribiesca, Anita Juarez