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|  \| |     | |          | |__               | | #INTERNET | |
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| |\  |  _  | |____   _  | |                 | | TERRORISM | |
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----IRC.DARKESTDESIR.ES #NCF                 |_____o___o_____|
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     RICE FIELD EDITION                       / ********** \
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***Bonus content


Note: all the "Shurelily" things are jointly owned accounts with someone named 'Shurelia'

Name: Yuri Kim
Aliases: Lily Kim, LilyPichu, LilyKi, ririki, riri
Age: 20
DOB: November 20, 1991
Address: 336 White Ave, Northvale, New Jersey 07647
Cell phone: (201) 400-2984
Email: LilyPichuVA@gmail.com
MSN: hamstergurl_LP@hotmail.com
AIM: LilehPich
Yahoo: LilyPichu
Skype: lilypichu
Education: Northern Valley Regional HS
Website: http://shurelily.com/
Nick: LilyPichu
Net: irc.rizon.net
Channel: #lilies
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/lilypichu
DeviantART: http://ririki.deviantart.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LumiLily
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Lilyki
Formspring: http://www.formspring.me/lilypichu
Tumblr: http://lilypichu.tumblr.com/
Sakaku complex: http://www.sankakucomplex.com/members/lily/
Faggot pokemon forums: http://www.pokecommunity.com/member.php?u=5797

Photos: http://tinyurl.com/6nh2cea


Father- Jae Sook Kim
DOB: Apr, 1961
Age: 50
Byung W Kim
Byong Seok Kim
H Kim
Hae Kim
Hyang Hee Chung

Mother- Janghyun Kim
Age: 53

Age: 15-ish

Bonus Content

Lily goes to the YouTube police: http://www.google.vu/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=3f28d520feff8e77&hl=en

[20:13] * [Riri] (user@ChatSpike-f1170c27.dyn.optonline.net): purple
[20:13] * [Riri] ~#pichuslilypad 
[20:13] * [Riri] *.chatspike.net :ChatSpike
[20:13] * [Riri] is away (Away)
[20:13] * [Riri] is logged in as Riri
[20:13] * [Riri] End of WHOIS list.

Ask her why she's such an attention whore:


Wait, so I'm not allowed to communicate with other people? If I do, I'm automatically flirting? Attention whoring?

Well, christ, you guys have way too high expectations of me. I suggest diverting your attention to something more productive, like videos of kittens, instead of giving me the attention I so desperately crave.

LilyPichu 1 day ago

@Swagtasticle You're telling me I can talk with whoever I like. But I can't talk to pandering because he uh, "panders" to /a/? That's not even the reason why I talk to him. I would do the same with any other friend in that circumstance.

But I don't think it matters what I say. No matter what, people like you are always convinced that I'm attention whoring. =/

Let's just drop this. You have your views, I have mine in the end.

LilyPichu 1 day ago

and you might get your very own wall of text.