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   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Rest in piss lil peep

    Shitty rapper died of a overdose because he's retarded fuck lil peep i hate him and his music 
    King von is better tbh fuck lil peep imagine doing drugs LOL
    & having pink hair as a dude + painting his nails hes actually gay

   Name Gustav Elijah Åhr
   Born: November 1, 1996, Allentown, PA
   Died: November 15, 2017, Tucson, AZ
   Imagine dying nigga smoking ur pack

   Name Liza Womack
   Film producer ‧ Lil Peep's mother
   Born: October 27, 1962 (age 59 years), Long Island, NY

   Name Karl Åhr
   Name Karl Johan Ahr

   https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/992829362896375889/992838888353693828/unknown.png?width=380&height=676 (Smoking his pack)
   https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/world/snapchat-videos-emerge-of-rapper-from-before-his-death/video/8787af52dc0a68c9d8895cd7b4620424 Imagine being dead