[whoisthis.py]                           [03/17/21]
[whoisthis.py]		 [Doxed by br0nh1ta and Yosk0__]
----------------------------[Dox Reason]----------------------------
-------------------------[There's no reason]------------------------
-------------------------[Just an good DOX]-------------------------
|   [ Victim's Information ]   |
[whoisthis.py] First Name: Габриел
[whoisthis.py] Second Name: Йорданов
[whoisthis.py] Date Of Birth: 20 March 2005 year
[whoisthis.py] Age: 15	

|   [ Location Information ]   |
[whoisthis.py] Place of Birth: Sliven, Bulgaria
[whoisthis.py] Continent: Europe
[whoisthis.py] Country: Bulgaria
[whoisthis.py] City: Sliven

|    [ School Information ]    |
[whoisthis.py] School Attended: ППМГ "ДОБРИ ЧИНТУЛОВ"
[whoisthis.py] Address: ул. „Великокняжевска“ 1, 8800 Сливен Център, Сливен
[whoisthis.py]   + http://pmg-sliven.com/bg/

 [ Personal Photos ]
[whoisthis.py] - Only him
[whoisthis.py]   + https://prnt.sc/10oi53e
[whoisthis.py]   + https://prnt.sc/10oidzm

|       [ Social Media ]       |
[whoisthis.py] https://www.facebook.com/100022333651844/
[whoisthis.py] https://www.instagram.com/gothx666/
[whoisthis.py] https://twitter.com/lilgab4o
[whoisthis.py] https://www.tiktok.com/@lilgab4oo
[whoisthis.py] https://www.twitch.tv/lilgab4o/videos
[whoisthis.py] https://www.reddit.com/user/LiLGab4o/posts
[whoisthis.py] Total Websites Username Detected On : 6