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Name : Muhiddin Murodilloev
DOB : 09-06-2005
Location : 1014 Avenue J, Unit 1D Brooklyn NY 11230                               
Images : https://gyazo.com/48a4b305fbca227e3b40fa73bae8804d
School : Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School                                                     
Address : 5800 20th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11204
Image : https://gyazo.com/ec689360c6c571a5d5f275b2d449a501
Phone Number : (929) 307-1255
Reason For Dox : Harmless little fat kid, who trys to act spooky but isnt.
Tried to dox a 14yr old and said he would rape her.
Hes a skid search warrior
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Mother : Djura Ismatuloev
Father : Hortencia Cardozo Age 45
Siblings : Abraham Murodilloev Age 2

Images : https://gyazo.com/795eda3f3b203e225f8c3a8e8faf76f8