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He's a fucking femboy simp, and a wanna be politician.
-Legal Name............. John Robert Bell
-Online Alias........... jorobe
-Skin Color............. White
-Gender................. Male/Female idk kinda has some tits
-Age.................... 26
-Birthday............... 8/13/1993
-Education.............. Concordia College (Some stupid libtard school he got hazed at LOL)
|Work Information|
-Occupation............. Looks like he teaches band queers
-Hobby.................. Making TikToks like a faggot, playing the flute, listening to Nicki Minaj
|Contact Information|
-Mobile Phone #......... 612-804-8269
-Provider............... Sprint

-E-Mail.................. jbell3@cord.edu
-Discord Account......... N/A
-Facebook Account........ https://www.facebook.com/caleb.nicholson.7545
-TikTok.................. https://www.tiktok.com/@jorobe
-Youtube Channel......... https://www.youtube.com/user/JohnFlute4All
-Instagram............... https://www.instagram.com/johnbellofficial/
-Twitch ................. N/A
-Twitter ................ https://twitter.com/JohnBell1993


-Direct Address.......... 218 9th Ave S
-Country................. United States
-State................... Minnesota
-City.................... Moorehead
-ZIP..................... 56560
-Bedrooms................ 2
-Bathrooms............... 3
-Property Size........... 1,469 sqft
-House Price............. $151,840
-Rent.................... Estimated $744/mo
-Year Built.............. 1940
-Heating................. Forced Air
-Lot..................... 4,356 sqft


-Name.................... Kristi Sue Bell
-Age..................... 53
-Birthday................ 7/9/1966
-Address................. 16629 Quincy St NE Andover, MN 55304
-Occupation.............. N/A
-Name.................... Christopher Bell
-Age..................... 63
-Birthday................ 11/9/1956
-Address................. 16629 Quincy St NE Andover, MN 55304
-Occupation.............. N/A