                  ║													      ║
                  ║													      ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
    		  ║ 	                              ______________________________________                                  ║
                  ║                          ________|                                      |_______                          ║
                  ║                          \       |       discord.gg/sanctified
      |      /                          ║
                  ║                           \      |            Credits: Ahaha U wont find me dont bother             |     /                           ║
                  ║                           /      |______________________________________|     \                           ║
                  ║                         /__________)                                 (_________\                          ║                   
   		  ║  	                                                                                                      ║
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║													      ║
                  ║					            Contents						      ║
                  ║					    ❏ 0x01 » Reason   					              ║
                  ║					    ❏ 0x02 » IP Information          			              ║
                  ║                                         ❏ 0x03 » Socials                                                 ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                   											      ║
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		  ║ 				                              	  	  / $$$$ / _/_/_/          \      |   ║
		  ║									 /- x $$/ _/_/_/      /               ║
		  ║		                   flew				         \`_ $$/'_/_/    .    ______   _      ║
		  ║			               too				   \ (  / ___,_____ _ _____,          ║
		  ║		                   close.    				   |  `(|/_,_,__ ________/            ║
		  ║								 	   |.   |''_,_______)                 ║
		  ║							         	    \   (_                            ║
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		  ║							    		                 |/                   ║
                  ║                    										              ║
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║						      0x01                                                    ║
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║               zzz#4791, also known as a dick sucker and being a retard in the roblox com.                 ║ 
                  ║	               Lets talk about this retarded guy named "zzz#4791 aka muhzqq"        		      ║                 
                  ║            Like im being dead honest this guy is so retarded he would do everything for robux	      ║ 
                  ║	       Okay lets start, so this nikka is a wanna be doxxer like he tries so hard to be one.           ║
                  ║            First this nikka comes in my dms begs me for stuff and then he switches up on me.              ║ 
                  ║                       		on god averaged dick muncher                                          ║ 
                  ║	                		                                                                      ║                
                  ║                         			                                                              ║ 
                  ║	                                                                                                      ║
                  ║                      	                                                                              ║
                  ║                           			                                                              ║ 
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║             	A: https://imgur.com/a/asFWYBt	     B: https://imgur.com/a/7QqIJ3K		      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                  								                              ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║
                  ║                                                   0x02                                                    ║
                  ║   													      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Basic Information  		                              ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Name       » Liam Andersson                                     ║
                  ║                                           Age        » 16 (troll)                                         ║
                  ║                                           DOB        » August 5, 2001                                     ║
                  ║                                           Aliases    » Muhzqq                                             ║
                  ║                                                        zzz                                                ║
                  ║                                                        LiamRCM                                            ║
                  ║        												      ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Appearance            		                              ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Hair       » Brown 					      ║
 		  ║					      Eyes       » Brown 					      ║
                  ║                                           Irls       » https://imgur.com/a/asFWYBt                        ║
                  ║                                                        https://imgur.com/a/asFWYBt                        ║
                  ║      												      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Address 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           10 Fabiansgatan Helsinki, Uusimaa                               ║
                  ║                                           His End » https://imgur.com/a/T2jjwli                           ║
                  ║       												      ║ 
                  ║                                           ☐ Accounts 						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           Roblox  » https://www.roblox.com/users/3578277877/profile       ║
                  ║                                           Discord    » 870590026621284403 (zzz#4791)                      ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║                                           ☐ Emails  						      ║
                  ║                                           ────────────────────                                            ║
                  ║                                           emosussy123@gmail.com                                           ║
                  ║                                                                                                           ║
                  ║             									                      ║ 
                  ║	        											      ║