Lexington Ellis

Sex: Male
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Social Medias: 
Xbox GamerTag: Goose Indigo
IP Address:
Current Highschool: Boonville Highschool, Boonville Indiana 

Address: 464 Green Valley Dr, Chandler, Indiana
Layout Of Home:
Single Story Light Brown Brick Home
No fences around the property
Small shed in the back yard
3 Windows on the front of the house facing the street
A single car garage to the left of the front door, Garage door is light brown
Gravel Driveway

Fathers Name: Chris Ellis
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Short Brown Hair
Eye Color: Blue
Hobbies: Rides Motorcycles
Social Medias: https://www.facebook.com/jager1515

Mothers Name: Lee Scheller Ellis
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Work Place: Preschool Bus Driver @ WCSC
Hobbies: Alcohol Addiction
Social Medias: https://www.facebook.com/lee.s.ellis.1/timeline?lst=100020511295433%3A1701116079%3A1597729041

Dannette Schutz
Sex: Female
Age: Old Enough
Hair: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Current Highschool: Boonville Highschool, Boonville Indiana
Social Medias: https://www.facebook.com/dannette.schutz.3?__tn__=%2CdlC-R-R&eid=ARBVWzQnwIIeFatX09hbU5Ft7QVsxdIjbDVMjWcHNF6eICG34OgJsCpN0xI7JoghQTbIuF6c53MiXMMo&hc_ref=ARQCUgymb0_Kgg6dRh4Gje-IyBqqtZTY5V5zOpwX1qgKuiN3B3F8iRaGZnCsUcP0E80