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My Discord: bs#1337 my discord ID <@712894475676024862>
Homies Discord: lil Tensered#0822 Kyrptic#5685
Creds To: lil Tensered#0822

Reason: This ewhore named Alexis Diakakis cheated on two of my friends and immediately started seeing new guys after leaving them, literally 3 minutes after leaving them.

║                       Doxxed Infomation                  ║

State: Dix Hills, NY (Long Island) 
Ewhores Name: alexis diakakis
Ewhores DOB: May 23rd 2003
Ewhores Age: 19
Ewhores SnapChat: adiak16606
Ewhores Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alexis.diakakis/
Ewhores Facebook: Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100029915480568
Ewhores Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@midnight_majesty
Ewhores Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/midnightmajestyy (Ewhore Redacted Her Twitch) 

Family Members: 
Anna Diakakis
Aarina diakakis
Uncle: Emmanuel Diakakis
Mom: Jeanette Diakakis
Kostantinos Diakakis

Phone Number: (631) 662-8946
Ethnicity: Greek/American 
Gender: Useless Woman that can't cook
Hairline Status: Receding

New Boyfriends Instagram: https://instagram.com/mj.fiedoryszyn?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Anna Diakakis Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anna.diakakis.3/photos_by
Emmanuel Diakakis Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emmanuel.diakakis.7/photos
Mother/Jeanette Diakakis Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jdiak16606
Kostantinos Diakakis Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gdiakakis
Sisters Facebook(Aarina diakakis): https://www.facebook.com/marina.diakakis
Sisters Husband FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/will.duke.50

Proof of concept/Proof of concept She left two relationships (View Time She Left (Nick) To Get With Tanner 3 Minutes After Being Asked Out By (Tanner):

New Boyfriend Images that came along magically after she blocked (Nick & Tanner) without saying a thing:

Texting from the guy she cheated on after a week: 

The story's moral Don't fuck with my friends and leave them heartbroken after giving you literally everything the whole idea of leaving someone, blocking them without saying anything, 
and then starting dating someone new right away TWICE in a week is unacceptable, as it happened to both Tanner and Nick.

People that helped: 

Me bs#2091 (The Top G that found the info)
lil Tensered#0822 (Tanner Big Dick Energy) 

My Other Pastes https://doxbin.com/upload/Hypertheepicloggerdox https://doxbin.com/upload/Pancakedox
