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                            [## REASON FOR DOX ##]

Lewis loves to run his mouth to the wrong people, I have dealt with his mouth for months saying 'Dox Me', well here you go Lewis, the dox you requested so much,
I warned you so many times that I can and will dox you but because we was 'brothers' I didn't want to dox you, out of sheer respect.
Well you've lost all respect from me and numerous members in the community, you have lost you gaining reputation, you tried to build around Insanity,
I hope you enjoy being doxed, You think you can code and run people like I can, when infact you legit BEGGED me to upgrade my old sources so you could use them, 
Drop my tools, I don't care man, you will just make yourself a meme considering you didn't CRACK any of them, I gave you the sources so you could modify them to your liking,
Let's just say this is the last thing I wanted to do to you man, You was proper chill, but in the end you're nothing but a skid and meme,

Learn Security, Learn how to hack, Learn how to code, Learn how to do shit for yourself instead of begging people to do this and do that for you.

-The Botfather

[## Main Information ##] 

Name: Lewis Atkinson
Known Alias: Lewis Parks, LewisUDT, TMOExtreme, Mr Smoke-Modz
Age: 16 Years Old.
Date of Birth: 10 November 2002

[## Contact Information ##]

Address: 61 Wharrier St
Town: Newcastle upon Tyne
Postcode: NE6 3EA

Possible Previous Address: 17 Wark Ave, Shiremoor, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE27 0SU
Phone Number(s): 07775716350, 07482150077

[## Family Information ##]

Mother: Lorraine Atkinson Parks
Mothers Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lou.atkinson3
Brother: Jamie Park

[## Social Media ##]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100035770351972
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGrT7dLQ1Dwgaay4wULUCaA (LMFAO DEAD ASS CHANNEL)
Twitter(s): https://twitter.com/CypherModding
Nulled.To: https://www.nulled.to/user/2364836-
Discord User: †TW Smoke†#3893

[## Screenshots & Memes ##]

Picture Of Lewis: https://i.imgur.com/T7QzZMy.jpg
His Stresser Site: https://extremestresser.xyz/ (Defaced By InsanitySec)
His Manky Ex GF: https://i.imgur.com/9NACrWp.jpg
His Mother: https://imgur.com/GR8su5l.jpg
Him & His Sister: https://imgur.com/aVBf0yU.jpg

[## Accounts & Logins ##]

                          [Email/Username]         [Password]
Twitter:             cameronwebbo16@outlook.com	CypherModding123
Roblox:              lewis125121@gmail.com      lewis115 
Paypal:              lewis125121@gmail.com	    Admin115	
Hitler Attacks:      XVLEWIS	                  Lewis125121	

[## Credits ##]

Dox Done By The Botfather
Dox Banner By InsanitySEC.

[root@InsanitySec]:~# Security is just a word, Do not trust it.
[TheBotfather@InsanitySec]:~# Haha, Enjoy Skid.
[Beta@InsanitySec]:~# Beta Security bitch try us.


InsanitySEC still here niggers, we are always watching...
Security is just a word.
Do not trust it.
We see all, we know all.
Without us the world would be on the brink of Insanity.
We are Insanity Security Team.

[## Notes ##]
Hey Lewis, I told you don't underestimate me, but you went to far this time, enjoy being doxed :)
If anyone want's to build on this dox, please give credits to original poster & people involved where due.