;::::; :;      Toxicity - https://discord.gg/toxicity
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Special Video All Must View :) - https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/840369116149186581/863553991341768755/yt1s.com_-_.mp4
       Personal Info

Name:Leo Coney AKA Dream/Space/Chxkrs/Darkness
Discord: Chxkrs#0001 
Discord ID: 755178817156546601
Address: 2 Marshall Ave, Grimsby (foster house)
picture of the house: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/814500465307680811/824707867177255013/2021-03-25_2.png
Email: limitedjokes@gmail.com and mark_2007@hotmail.co.uk
Postal code: DN34 4AN
Picture of him: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/840369116149186581/863549072731013140/image0.png
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/limitedjokes
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leo_coneyy/
snapchat: leo_coneyy and leooc2006
Little Info: Leo coney aka the old toxicity co-owner spent his time going around in vr chat trying his hardest to offend and scare people but looked a total twat doing so, He lives in a foster home.
He is a cocky Half cast Freek (Hes half Greek) (visa please) who acts really hard. Also his dad drives a black Toyota Alphard hybrid LMAO XD

Offical audio of Leo :0 - https://youtu.be/j3glwtXrj0c

 School  info

School: Ormiston maritime academy
Picture of school: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/814489650734432257/814505335455875102/image0.jpg
Schools number: 44+ 01472 310015 
school details: Year 10 going into Year 11 in September (just started gcse's)
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1.) Originally wasn't going to post this but since he's gonna be a bitch and act cool ill post it because why the fuck not,                                                                                                                                 
2.) uploaded a shitty old dox of me so I'm gonna upload one of him
3.) snaked me out a long time ago 
4.) got fuckin rinsed in a vc and took it out on me 
5.) Threatens to do shit to my buddy's but I ain't sitting back and doing fuck all this time
6.) We were cool again until he started crying over an argument
7.) just a mong   
8.) made a cringe doxbin account and posted the worst dox on me and a minor I've ever seen                                                                                                                                                                                    

Don't forget to Join discord.gg/toxicity and add #Rileyz#4200 

(BTW I didn't include most of the dox since I couldn't give a fuck about this kid anymore so I'm leaving it like this, enjoy nerds)