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- > Hello User!
- > Today I have another special case for you.
- > Lennard is a very special person on the Internet.
- > But of course you know me (clx) and know that this is not allowed to happen :)

[1] His evil deeds:
-> Cyber bullying
-> Insults everyone on the Internet
-> Laughing at other people
-> He has betrayed friends
-> He tries to scam people
-> He doesn't care about his mother...

[2] What Lennard thinks of himself and what Lennard does:
-> Lennard is a person who feels very badass because he plays a lot of War Thunder and thinks he's also in the Army now. 
-> Lennard also likes to insult other people and laugh at them.
-> Lennard has also laughed at people who have cancer or have lost family members...

[3] Personal Data:
-> First Name: Lennard
-> Last Name: Schönle
-> Height: 165-173cm
-> Weight: 60-70kg
-> Hair Color: Brown
-> Age: 16 years
-> Country: Germany
-> Address: 91717 Wassertrüdingen, Lehenfeldstrasse (i think 48)
-> His Face: https://i.postimg.cc/B6Xv4r9G/lennard.jpg
-> His Face (other link): https://pasteboard.co/iptF6DoQcOtr.jpg

[4] Social Media:
-> Discord: gamepckiller 

- > I Hope you like this paste. Have fun :)