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                                             │       Open this paste in your preferred text document editor         │
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██                                     ██                                                                                                                                        ██
██             NOTES:                  ██                                                                                                                                        ██                                                                                                                                         
██                                     ██                                                                                                                                        ██                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
██   [1] This was made by deathzone    ██                                                                                                                                        ██                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
██   [2] Template by Dain              ██                                                                                                                                        ██                        
██   [3] Fuck every other zone         ██                                                                                                                                        ██                      
██   [4] Enjoy the paste               ██                                                                                                                                        ██
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                                            88           88888888888  88b           d88    ,ad8888ba,    888b      88  
                                            88           88           888b         d888   d8"'    `"8b   8888b     88  
                                            88           88           88`8b       d8'88  d8'        `8b  88 `8b    88  
                                            88           88aaaaa      88 `8b     d8' 88  88          88  88  `8b   88  
                                            88           88"""""      88  `8b   d8'  88  88          88  88   `8b  88  
                                            88           88           88   `8b d8'   88  Y8,        ,8P  88    `8b 88  
                                            88           88           88    `888'    88   Y8a.    .a8P   88     `8888  
                                            88888888888  88888888888  88     `8'     88    `"Y8888Y"'    88      `888  

                                              ????  First Name // Xander

                                              ????  Last Name // Lenzen

                                              ????  Nationality // American

                                              ????  Alias // Lemon
                                              ????  Language // English

                                              ????  Age // 16

                                              ????  Height // 5'9

                                              ????  Address // 4087 Jana Ave. NE Saint Michael, MN 55376
                                              ????  Discord // Lemmon8377#1486 (610869218082160647) <- discord.id 

                                              ????  Skype // live:.cid.33b80073fe4316e2 [Xander Lenzen]

                                              ????  Youtube // https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8bdN8s7g9gX71LRARLL0TQ [Joined Dec 8, 2012]   
                                              ????  Email Address // 
                                                                                 /  Last Login // 2022-03-29 22:20:31
                                                 [Active] xllenzen1@gmail.com   [-] https://adobe.com, https://amazon.com, https://discord.com, https://nike.com, https://spotify.com, https://twitter.com 
                                                                                 \  Google Account ID // 102614302134004803826

                                              ????  Password // A123Gofish!

                                              ????  IP Address //
                                                               ASN: 20115
                                                               ISP: Charter Communications Inc
                                                               State/Region: Minnesota
                                                               City: Buffalo


                                                                       88                                     88  
                                                                       88                                     88  
                                                                       88                                     88  
                                                ,adPPYba,   ,adPPYba,  88,dPPYba,    ,adPPYba,    ,adPPYba,   88  
                                                I8[    ""  a8"     ""  88P'    "8a  a8"     "8a  a8"     "8a  88  
                                                 `"Y8ba,   8b          88       88  8b       d8  8b       d8  88  
                                                aa    ]8I  "8a,   ,aa  88       88  "8a,   ,a8"  "8a,   ,a8"  88  
                                                `"YbbdP"'   `"Ybbd8"'  88       88   `"YbbdP"'    `"YbbdP"'   88  


                                              ????  School // St. Michael-Albertville High School
                                              ????  School Website // https://www.stma.k12.mn.us/Domain/10

                                              ????  School Address // 5800 Jamison Avenue NE Saint Michael, MN 55376

                                              ????  School Phone Number // +1 (763) 497-2192

                                              ????  Carrier //
                                                         Is Wireless // N 

                                                                                       / Last Login // 2022-05-20 22:07:12
                                              ????  School Email // shannonf@mystma.org [-] https://amazon.com, https://spotify.com
                                                                                       \ Google Account ID // 109289732849348377088
                                              ????  Superintendent // Dr. Ann-Marie Foucault 

                                              ????  Principal // John Reeves 

                                              ????  Assistant Principal // Jolene Herfel 

                                              ????  Assistant Principal // Jamie Wiitala 
                                              ????  Dean of Students // Michelle Windel 


                                                         88,dPYba,,adPYba,    ,adPPYba,   88,dPYba,,adPYba,   
                                                         88P'   "88"    "8a  a8"     "8a  88P'   "88"    "8a  
                                                         88      88      88  8b       d8  88      88      88  
                                                         88      88      88  "8a,   ,a8"  88      88      88  
                                                         88      88      88   `"YbbdP"'   88      88      88  

                                              ????  First Name // Andria 

                                              ????  Middle Name // Lynn

                                              ????  Last Name // Kramer

                                              ????  Nationality // American

                                              ????  Language // English

                                              ????  Age // 43

                                              ????  DOB // 11/1/1978 - Born on  November 1st, 1978

                                              ????  Current Address // 4087 Jana Ave. NE Saint Michael, MN 55376

                                              ????  Home Value // $398,200

                                              ????  Dwelling Type // Single Family Dwelling Unit 
                                                                  3 Beds
                                                                  1 Bath
                                                                  1,316 SQFT                                                         

                                              ????  Marital Status // Married

                                              ????  Phone Number // +1 (320) 980-4041
                                              ????  Carrier //
                                                         Verizon Wireless 
                                                         Is Wireless // Y
                                                         SMS Gateway Address: 3209804041@vtext.com
                                                         MMS Gateway Address: 3209804041@vzwpix.com 

                                              ????  Email Address // 
                                                 [Deleted] andriak777@yahoo.com

                                              ????  Relatives //
                                                          Jaime Kramer
                                                          Joyce Kramer
                                                          Luverne Kramer


                                                                      88                       88  
                                                                      88                       88  
                                                                      88                       88  
                                                              ,adPPYb,88  ,adPPYYba,   ,adPPYb,88  
                                                             a8"    `Y88  ""     `Y8  a8"    `Y88  
                                                             8b       88  ,adPPPPP88  8b       88  
                                                             "8a,   ,d88  88,    ,88  "8a,   ,d88  
                                                              `"8bbdP"Y8  `"8bbdP"Y8   `"8bbdP"Y8  


                                              ????  First Name // Brian
                                              ????  Middle Name // Paul

                                              ????  Last Name // Lenzen

                                              ????  Nationality // American

                                              ????  Language // English

                                              ????  Age // 47

                                              ????  DOB //  8/12/1974 - Born on August 12th, 1974

                                              ????  Phone Number // +1 (612) 868-6029 

                                              ????  Carrier //
                                                         Cricket Wireless - ATT - SVR

                                                         Is Wireless // y

                                                         SMS Gateway Address: 16128686029@mms.cricketwireless.net

                                                         MMS Gateway Address: 16128686029@mms.cricketwireless.net

                                              ????  Email Address // 

                                                 [Inactive] blenzen1@astound.net  

                                                 [Deleted] brianl2@juno.com    

                                                 [Deleted] brianl2@yahoo.com  

                                                                                 /  Last Login // 2021-12-30 07:38:52
                                                 [Inactive] blenzen@sehinc.com  [-] https://amazon.com, https://discord.com, https://nike.com, https://samsung.com, https://spotify.com, https://twitter.com, https://vrbo.com
                                                                                 \  Google Account ID // 104792538073902919381

                                              ????  Passwords // 97427169
                                              ????  Current Address // 4087 Jana Ave. NE Saint Michael, MN 55376

                                              ????  Past Addresses // 
                                                                523 7th S St; Sartell, MN 56377
                                                                1283 10th N Ave; Saint Cloud, MN 56303
                                                                4087 Jansen NE Ave; Saint Michael, MN 55376
                                              ????  Marital Status //  Married

                                              ????  Relatives //
                                                           Andria Kramer
                                                           A Lenzen
                                                           Alycia Hammerel
                                                           Andrea Hammerel
                                                           Barbara Lenzen 

                                              ????  Vehicles // 1994 CHEVROLET S10
                                                             VIN: 2FTHF26H2RCA06446

                                                             2003 CHEVROLET TRAILBLAZER


                                       ,adPPYb,d8  8b,dPPYba,  ,adPPYYba,  8b,dPPYba,    ,adPPYb,88  8b,dPPYba,   ,adPPYYba,  
                                      a8"    `Y88  88P'   "Y8  ""     `Y8  88P'   `"8a  a8"    `Y88  88P'    "8a  ""     `Y8  
                                      8b       88  88          ,adPPPPP88  88       88  8b       88  88       d8  ,adPPPPP88  
                                      "8a,   ,d88  88          88,    ,88  88       88  "8a,   ,d88  88b,   ,a8"  88,    ,88  
                                       `"YbbdP"Y8  88          `"8bbdP"Y8  88       88   `"8bbdP"Y8  88`YbbdP"'   `"8bbdP"Y8  
                                       aa,    ,88                                                    88                       
                                        "Y8bbdP"                                                     88                               


                                              ????  First Name // Paul
                                              ????  Middle Name // Leo

                                              ????  Last Name // Lenzen

                                              ????  Nationality // American

                                              ????  Language // English

                                              ????  Age // 72 

                                              ????  Current Address // 1283 10th N Ave. Saint Cloud, MN 56303

                                              ????  Phone Number // +1 (320) 905-8212 

                                              ????  Carrier // 
                                                         Verizon Wireless 

                                                         Is Wireless // y

                                                         SMS Gateway Address: 3209058212@vtext.com

                                                         MMS Gateway Address: 3209058212@vzwpix.com

                                              ????  Email Address // 

                                                                                    / Last Update // 2011-03-28 15:50:27
                                                 [Inactive] paul.lenzen@yahoo.com [-] https://discord.com
                                                                                    \ Google Account ID // 112051468572364880231

                                                 [Deleted] paul.lenzen@att.net 
                                              ????  Marital Status //  Married

                                              ????  Relatives // Barbara Lenzen


                                       ,adPPYb,d8  8b,dPPYba,  ,adPPYYba,  8b,dPPYba,    ,adPPYb,88  88,dPYba,,adPYba,   ,adPPYYba,  
                                      a8"    `Y88  88P'   "Y8  ""     `Y8  88P'   `"8a  a8"    `Y88  88P'   "88"    "8a  ""     `Y8  
                                      8b       88  88          ,adPPPPP88  88       88  8b       88  88      88      88  ,adPPPPP88  
                                      "8a,   ,d88  88          88,    ,88  88       88  "8a,   ,d88  88      88      88  88,    ,88  
                                       `"YbbdP"Y8  88          `"8bbdP"Y8  88       88   `"8bbdP"Y8  88      88      88  `"8bbdP"Y8  
                                       aa,    ,88                                                                                    


                                              ????  First Name // Barbara
                                              ????  Middle Name // M***

                                              ????  Last Name // Lenzen

                                              ????  Nationality // American

                                              ????  Language // English

                                              ????  Age // 69

                                              ????  DOB //  10/2/1952 - Born on October 2nd, 1952

                                              ????  Current Address // 1283 10th N Ave. Saint Cloud, MN 56303

                                              ????  Email Address // 

                                                 [Inactive] blenzen1@astound.net                                                                          

                                                 [Inactive] barbaralenzen@aol.com

                                                 [Inactive] blenzen1@iwon.com      

                                                 [Inactive] blenzen@aol.com 

                                                 [Inactive] blenzen@astound.net 

                                                 [Inactive] blenzen1@aol.com 

                                                 [Inactive] blenzen@aol.com

                                                 [Inactive] blenzen1@mn.rr.com   

                                                                                     / Last Login // 2021-12-11 03:06:03
                                                 [Semi-Active] bmlenzen5@gmail.com [-] https://amazon.com 
                                                                                     \ Google Account ID // 116000830460750590435

                                              ????  Skype // barbie.lenzen [Barbara Lenzen] (https://z.zz.fo/LdDwc.png - face)

                                              ????  Marital Status //  Married

                                              ????  Relatives // Paul L. Lenzen


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