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                    |           >[Table Of Contents]<           |
                    | →0x01 Introduction........................|
                    | →0x02 Basic Information...................|
                    | →0x03 Family Information..................|
                    | →0x04 Social Media Platforms..............|
                    | →0x05 IP Information......................|
                    | →0x06 House Information...................|
                    | →0x07 Credits & Links.....................|

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                    |           0x01 >[Introduction:]<          | 
                  ↪ Welcome to the absolute rape of Leanne Jayne Vo-Brown
                  ↪ Don't think you are above people next time!

                    |        0x02 >[Basic Information:]<        | 

                 ♚ Full Name.............. Leanne Jayne Vo-Brown
                 ♚ Address................ 56 Castle Stead Drive Bradford West Yorkshire BD13 5FD
                 ♚ Age.................... 32
                 ♚ Occupation............. Being an absolute lesbian cow.
                    |        0x03 >[Family Information:]<       | 
                 ♚ Name................... Donna L Vo-brown
                 ♚ Address................ 56 Castle Stead Drive Bradford West Yorkshire BD13 5FD
                 ♚ Age.................... 30-35
                 ♚ Facebook...........https://www.facebook.com/dee.brown.7798              
                 ♚ Name................... Helen Vo
                 ♚ Address................ Bingley
                 ♚ Age.................... 30-55
                 ♚ Facebook...........https://www.facebook.com/helen.vo.58             

                 ♚ Name................... Ut James Vo
                 ♚ Address................ Vietnam somewhere
                 ♚ Age.................... 50-60
                 ♚ Facebook...........https://www.facebook.com/utjames.vo              

                 ♚ Name................... Jay Vo
                 ♚ Address................ Bingley
                 ♚ Age.................... 30-40
                 ♚ Facebook...........https://www.facebook.com/jay.vo.3             


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                    |           0x04 >[Social Media:]<          |
                 ♚ Facebook............... https://www.facebook.com/leanne.vo.18/
                 ♚ Twitter................ 
                 ♚ YouTube................              
                 ♚ Instagram.............. 
                   |          0x05 >[IP Information:]<         | 
                 ♚ IP(s).................. 
                                          ↪ N/A
                 ♚ ISP.................... BT
                 ♚ VPN.................... N/A
                    |        0x06 >[House Information:]<        | 
                 ♚ Address................ 56 Castle Stead Drive Bradford West Yorkshire BD13 5FD
                 ♚ Parking................ 
                 ♚ Bedroom................ 4 BD
                 ♚ Bathroom............... 2 BA
                 ♚ Year Built............. 2019
                 ♚ Bought for............. £289,995
                 ♚ Bought on.............. 29th March 2019
                 ♚ Picture...........(NEW BUILD)
                   |         0x09 >[Credits & Links:]<         | 

                 You Fucked With The Wrong Person.

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