Full name: Conner Garcia Alvarez
Age: 15 
Discord: LastDude#9999
Info: He is an 15 year old skid making his money by scamming people with VServers he is selling them over 40 Sites.
He makes about 60 - 70k on sales Monthly by reselling Hetzner 
His dad owns 2 Big ass houses one in Germany(https://anonfiles.com/b2Z4xcI0x8/image_2022-02-14_18-54-06_jpg) on in Spain(https://anonfiles.com/F7Z6x0I8x8/image_2021-07-15_14-54-06_jfif)
His das runs a Company in Germany also makes about 80 - 100k on sales monthly

If you want to rob a house go to Langscheider Str. 15, 59846 Sundern (Sauerland)