▓│              ...::[ SCROLL DOWN TO VIEW PASTE ]::...                 │▓
▓│                  ...::[ DOWNLOAD LINK BELOW ]::...                   │▓
▓│         https://www.mediafire.com/folder/aejn1q1kxma5q/Dox           │▓
──────┘      ░░       ("Scroll down to view paste"):      ░░     └──────
│                    no cousion? womp womp :) - tbs <3                 │

  _      _   __  __ _____   __  ___   _____  __
 | |    /_\ |  \/  | _ \ \ / / |   \ / _ \ \/ /
 | |__ / _ \| |\/| |  _/\ V /  | |) | (_) >  < 
 |____/_/ \_\_|  |_|_|  _|_|___|___/_\___/_/\_\
 | _ ) \ / /  _ | |/_\  \ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /     
 | _ \\ V /  | || / _ \  >  <  >  <  >  <      
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⠀⠀⠀⠘⣿⣿⡿⠿⠛⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀  ⠉⠙⠛⠛⠿⠿⠿⠇⠇⠀⠀

 ~ by jaxxx (thebaconsurvivor) ~

 ▓│                ...::[ Table Of Contents / Info ]::...               │▓
 ──────┘      ░░          0x1 ~ device                     ░░     └──────
 │                        0x2 ~ personal info                           │
 │                        0x3 ~ location                                │
 │                        0x4 ~ cousion                                 │                
 │                        0x5 ~ social media                            │


$$$$$$$$\ $$\    $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\ $$\   $$\  $$$$$$\  $$$$$$$$\ 
$$  _____|$$ |   $$ |\_$$  _|$$  __$$\ $$  _____|$$$\  $$ |$$  __$$\ $$  _____|
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$$$$$\    \$$\  $$  |  $$ |  $$ |  $$ |$$$$$\    $$ $$\$$ |$$ |      $$$$$\    
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$$ |        \$$$  /    $$ |  $$ |  $$ |$$ |      $$ |\$$$ |$$ |  $$\ $$ |      
$$$$$$$$\    \$  /   $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$\ $$ | \$$ |\$$$$$$  |$$$$$$$$\ 
\________|    \_/    \______|\_______/ \________|\__|  \__| \______/ \________|
>> Ill put these characters around the important and main reason on why I'm doxxing him. <<

   ___  ___  _______________  ___
  / _ \/ _ |/ ___/  _/ __/  |/  /
 / , _/ __ / /___/ /_\ \/ /|_/ / 
/_/|_/_/ |_\___/___/___/_/  /_/  

calling his black fans slurs ------------------ https://postimg.cc/CBZJLW9B | https://postimg.cc/DJSNSC8D | https://postimg.cc/94m5QtP5 | https://postimg.cc/94FKhXVc

calling someone a beaner faggot --------------- https://postimg.cc/kVYfCnYP

joining a server just to say the n word ------- https://postimg.cc/2LNzHfDn

him supporting slavery??? wtf??? -------------- https://postimg.cc/4mJGnPN4

racism: --------------------------------------- https://postimg.cc/QB4PxLx1 | https://postimg.cc/LJSGxBbY

   ___  _______  ____  ___  __ ________   _______     ___________  _____________  _______
  / _ \/ __/ _ \/ __ \/ _ \/ // /  _/ /  /  _/ _ |  _/_/ __/ __/ |/_/_  __/  _/ |/ / ___/
 / ___/ _// // / /_/ / ___/ _  // // /___/ // __ |_/_/_\ \/ _/_>  <  / / _/ //    / (_ / 
/_/  /___/____/\____/_/  /_//_/___/____/___/_/ |_/_/ /___/___/_/|_| /_/ /___/_/|_/\___/  

being a weird ass nigga ----------------------- https://postimg.cc/cKLXPKmc

obsessing over a "friend" --------------------- https://postimg.cc/9wZpyymc

him pretending to be my friend (in image) ----- https://postimg.cc/tY2j66Y3 | https://postimg.cc/fkpNfdsm

sending a disturbing ass image to a minor ----- https://postimg.cc/9wPcKNmK

>> him making my little pony fetish porn ------ https://postimg.cc/8jDpMDwS <<

>> him making porn of an 11 year old ---------- https://postimg.cc/k2g7YckY <<

>> him drawing... questionable art of a minor - https://postimg.cc/LJz2X8rf <<

him not caring when someone posted nsfw ------- https://postimg.cc/KksyVkMX

being sexual with me: ------------------------- https://postimg.cc/sBsyZRrL | https://postimg.cc/64R10yVf | https://postimg.cc/DJNt699n | https://postimg.cc/hzN5T9mG | https://postimg.cc/ZWL22BGf | https://postimg.cc/crwV75XG | https://postimg.cc/7bGvhLz6

(most likely) sending gay porn in a server: --- https://postimg.cc/Z01GdhPL

this can explain itself. ---------------------- https://postimg.cc/xNbB4sQH

  ____  ________ _________  ____
 / __ \/_  __/ // / __/ _ \/ __/
/ /_/ / / / / _  / _// , _/\ \  
\____/ /_/ /_//_/___/_/|_/___/  

him tryna harass me (dumbass 💀) -------------- https://postimg.cc/dDGQhD26

not giving a shit when a fan is ending it all - https://postimg.cc/MccqqGZy

calling me a pedophile, rapist and cp lover?? - https://postimg.cc/ygDdpzbN

>> sending my little pony gore to minors ------ https://postimg.cc/Z0CmNcGJ <<

>> him sending pictures of scars to minors ---- https://postimg.cc/QFLjhTnh <<

calling me a racist? -------------------------- https://postimg.cc/gwg9XX4w

telling a fan to kill himself: ---------------- https://postimg.cc/gLXPPzVx



 $$$$$$\              $$\   
$$$ __$$\           $$$$ |  
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 \______/ \__/  \__|\______|

Public IP Address: -
Browser: ----------- Mobile Safari (17.3.1)
Operating System: -- iOS 17.3.1
Device: ------------ Apple iPhone
User Agent: -------- Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 
                    (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.3.1 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
Host Name: --------- c-73-178-162-193.hsd1.nj.comcast.net
ISP: --------------- COMCAST-7922
Org: --------------- AS33659 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
ASN: --------------- 7922


 $$$$$$\             $$$$$$\  
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 \______/ \__/  \__|\________|

Name: -------------- Alex(ander) Herrera
Sisters Name: ------ Lola Herrera
Race: -------------- Black Mexican
Gender: ------------ Male
Sexuality: --------- Aroace
Pronouns: ---------- He/Him/His/They/Them/Theirs
Email: ------------- alex.herrera111112@gmail.com
Height: ------------ 5'2


 $$$$$$\            $$$$$$\  
$$$ __$$\          $$ ___$$\ 
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$$ |\$$$ | $$  $$< $$\   $$ |
\$$$$$$  /$$  /\$$\\$$$$$$  |
 \______/ \__/  \__|\______/ 

Country: ----------- United States/US
Region: ------------ South Central
City: -------------- Texas
Continent: --------- North America
Timezone: ---------- GMT-4 (America/New York)
Postal Code: ------- 08080


 $$$$$$\            $$\   $$\ 
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Picture of face: --- https://www.mediafire.com/file/4ulnropve5ui7mi/lampycousinpictures.zip/file
Date of death: ----- Sunday, July 14, 4:30PM
Full Name: --------- Edgar Osvaldo García Herrera
Birth Date: -------- October 8, 2004
Possible Father: --- Heriberto Castro Herrera
Funeral: ----------- https://www.mediafire.com/file/hs9mkik54kse9g5/unnamed+(3).png/file
Death Location: ---- Potaka Lake, Indiana (Went missing near dam)
Age: --------------- 19


 $$$$$$\            $$$$$$$\  
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<<< DISCORD >>>
Username: ---------- aw_poo
Display Username: -- Nuh uh, I dont fink so
User ID: ----------- 1241410421173518366
Joined: ------------ Sat, 18 May 2024 15:21:48 UTC
Profile Picture: --- https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/1241410421173518366/17a50fd69e5136b1c79daa59ba39b482?size=1024
<<< YOUTUBE >>>
Channel Link: ------ https://www.youtube.com/@AlexHerrera3576-v8b
Channel Name: ------ Alex Herrera
Channel Handle: ---- @AlexHerrera3576-v8b
Channel ID: -------- UC0ygKKadY1DfseceUWep_wg
Channel PFP: ------- https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/kfivqQqjhCM0c2C9PF-szgmsq-3yCZVtTdYC2ObUkPpvRnfPn56mkhqTmopwnm0bWyFlKZDZYA=s160-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
Channel Banner: ---- https://yt3.googleusercontent.com/m_GJTMxN9FBzevJy2vv9uGmwVa2GUY2Zl8nFGYwRHfPc3nyRiEh3TOEb7Cr1-5juWSoeE5gy1g=w1707-fcrop64=1,00005a57ffffa5a8-k-c0xffffffff-no-nd-rj
Subscribers: ------- 54
Joined: ------------ 29/05/2024, 6:41:07 am
Total Grade: ------- C
SFTL3D: ------------ 16
<<< ROBLOX >>>
Profile Link: ------ https://www.roblox.com/users/5853558735/profile
Username: ---------- LampyAnim8s
Friends: ----------- 6 (@Ccmoe2013, @froggo_boggo138, @jimisweet, @Jonathangodger, @Liamsavage515, @Mateoarivas)
Followers: --------- 1 (@ZenVis0n)
Following: --------- 2 (@mostrichandknown, @parkersaviator)
Join Date: --------- 5/4/2024
Badges: ------------ Friendship    


|                              End of Dox                              |