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      ╬═╬    just dropped down to SAY
      ╬═╬     YOU GOT Doxed
      ╬═╬ ☻/ 
      ╬═╬/  \    By Mr USA

FULL NAME: Ben Lawrence

Age: 15

Gender: Male

PHOTO OF HIM: https://imgur.com/a/0k7xrVu

ADDRESS: 40 Tithe Road, Plymouth, PL7 4QQ

Discord: Ben4594#3499

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/11134173696

Twitch: mrdankketchup - https://www.twitch.tv/mrdankketchup

Website: http://lvrp.co.uk/

Paypal: The paypal account is a buisness account but it has been set to a charity to avoid tax, which is illegal and wrong. Proof - https://imgur.com/a/OXW5777

Previous Owner ships: SLRP, SLRP V2, HMRP, HMRP V2 and LVRP

Stealing Money: He stole money from his players by asking people to donate or the server would be shut down, people donated money and then he still shut down his server and kept the money.

Saying the m-word: he has said the n word muitple times and also has been racist by calling people pakis.

This dox has been a paid dox and i was paid to make it. You know where to find me if you want one making.
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