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 ( LL)_      .->      \( LL) )   \( LL) ) ( LL).-/( (L ).->     __( OO)      .->        ( LL)_  ( LL).-/     _(LL )
(_)--\_)(`-')----. ,--./ ,--/ ,--./ ,--/ (,------. \    .'_     '-'---.\  ,--.'  ,-.    (_)--\_)(,------.,--.(_/,-.\
/    _ /( LL).-.  '|   \ |  | |   \ |  |  |  .---' '`'-..__)    | .-. (/ (`-')'.'  /    /    _ / |  .---'\   \ / (_/
\_..`--.( _) | |  ||  . '|  |)|  . '|  |)(|  '--.  |  |  ' |    | '-' `.)(OO \    /     \_..`--.(|  '--.  \   /   / 
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\       / '  '-'  '|  | \   | |  | \   |  |  `---. |  '-'  /    | '--'  / `-/   /`      \       /|  `---.\-'\   /   
 `-----'   `-----' `--'  `--' `--'  `--'  `------' `------'     `------'    `--'         `-----' `------'    `-'    
                             reason: blud tried to get his get back after i beamed him and took his shit XD
                                                         LETS BEGIN
address:7716 Walker Ave Apt D
picture of his house: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1158647305709301822/1159387641184256030/image.png?ex=6530d6e2&is=651e61e2&hm=5e9cae84e7d8f5b1bfdafa0e2589b3bff38cc37acbd9a5c94fe693accad8cc94&
phone number :323-873-9793
gmail accounts: bloodhoundsss08@gmail.com, riverablancae21@gmail.com, blancacamarena05@gmail.com
discord accounts :(wizloot this one is currently locked out cuz of me) 
discord tokens (probably dont work anymore): MTEyOTY5Mzc3ODA4OTg3MzQxOQ.GtwCb3.bt8cqIRCUKI_re12Al5cr1DpWl4_gy7fFKCrTo, OTc3NDM5NzUzNDU4ODM5NTYy.GtmbPV.fw8OIN6L2JBhItRCIbw20NxC-lCrmcqM99w7gk
dicord user: sierrasfanboy
User ID: 1129693778089873419
Email: bloodhoundsss08@gmail.com
Nitro: No Nitro
password:Steven@2011 (if ur fast enough u can put a phone number on it and its ur account)
wifi name: WIFIF81352-5G
wifi Password: QFZPYFH26DNNL4W3
outlook account: slitsisdaddy@outlook.com
mac address: Physical Address    Transport Name                                            
=================== ==========================================================
0C-96-E6-CB-8B-A5   \Device\Tcpip_{1D102509-8190-4BD5-9C75-86C70E8FDC50}      
B0-0C-D1-55-E1-9F   Media disconnected                                        
0C-96-E6-CB-8B-A6   Media disconnected

him trying getting his friend:https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1158647305709301822/1159390450772344843/image.png?ex=6530d97f&is=651e647f&hm=3e74c28842b78ab6709a2da4bd70016786c325ade7585f8bf229c2176c951fd0&
him larping about my house : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/991799035151253625/1159382918410539018/image.png?ex=6530d27c&is=651e5d7c&hm=114410373a11780548455f932cb93fa263f902e361bd6181ae85ce073bfad5f0&
him begging for his shit back : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1157936238259601438/1159391077229395978/image.png?ex=6530da15&is=651e6515&hm=86dbb00b3e5966655923ce2bf45860104673212975b19da43a739708e2761431&
him crying about his roblox account (i did take it user is bludhoundss dm me if u want to buy it : https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1157936238259601438/1159391418758996058/image.png?ex=6530da66&is=651e6566&hm=ef763ceb467f98f5c7122e0382fcd63710e8dc36ceec8b44aad49df7a673d411&
                                                     (_)                       | |  (_) | |                       | |/ _|
  ___  ___  _ __  _ __  _   _    __ _ ___ ___   _ __  _  __ _  __ _  ___ _ __  | | ___| | |  _   _ _ __   ___  ___| | |_ 
 / __|/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \| | | |  / _` / __/ __| | '_ \| |/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__| | |/ / | | | | | | | '__| / __|/ _ \ |  _| -----------sev
 \__ \ (_) | | | | | | | |_| | | (_| \__ \__ \ | | | | | (_| | (_| |  __/ |    |   <| | | | | |_| | |    \__ \  __/ | |  
 |___/\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |  \__,_|___/___/ |_| |_|_|\__, |\__, |\___|_|    |_|\_\_|_|_|  \__,_|_|    |___/\___|_|_|  
                         __/ |                           __/ | __/ |       

CREDS: sev, my self, and i aka my self. if u wanna buy the account msgs omgitshongkong on discord love you MWAH