[Synaps3c X Restin]█░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[    RAYAN BOUHALI   ]█░░▓

                                                                         . .   :` . :   .  .'.' '....xxxxx...,'. '   ' 
                                                                       ; . ` .  . : . .' :  . ..XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXx.    `     
                                                                 .    .  .  .    . .   .  ..XXXXXXXXWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWXXXX.  .     . 
                                                                         ' :  : . : .  ...XXXXXWWW"   W88N88@888888WWWWWXX.   .   .       . .
                                                                    . ' .    . :   ...XXXXXXWWW"    M88N88GGGGGG888^8M "WMBX.          .   ..  :
                                                                          :     ..XXXXXXXXWWW"     M88888WWRWWWMW8oo88M   WWMX.     .    :    .
                                                                            "XXXXXXXXXXXXWW"      WN8888WWWWW O W8@@@8M    BMBRX.         .  : :
                                                                   .       XXXXXXXX=MMWW":  .      W8N888WWWWWWWW88888W      XRBRXX.  .       .
                                                                      ....  ""XXXXXMM::::. .        W8@889WWWWWM8@8N8W      . . :RRXx.    .
                                                                          ``...'''  MMM::.:.  .      W888N89999888@8W      . . ::::"RXV    .  :
                                                                  .       ..'''''      MMMm::.  .      WW888N88888WW     .  . mmMMMMMRXx
                                                                       ..' .            ""MMmm .  .       WWWWWWW   . :. :,miMM"""  : ""`    .
                                                                    .                .       ""MMMMmm . .  .  .   ._,mMMMM"""  :  ' .  :
                                                                                .                  ""MMMMMMMMMMMMM""" .  : . '   .        .
                                                                           .              .     .    .                      .         .

G'Day! , Welcome to the end of Rayan Bouhali, Rayan Is a known larp who likes to run around
Asking For Doxxing tools , Faking OPS , Claiming to be a "coder" after being bitched numeros
Of times , Claiming "restin you cannot dox", Then I ran his address and he got shooken up
And Folded and left the group chat.

Rayan , You've fucked up , we didn't want to upload your fucking shit , Next time follow
Along the extortin process, Now for future references, Don't try being a retard thinking
You're someone with your fucking github discord nuker tools , begging me for tools and 

With That being said "alex", I know you're viewing this, and scared shitless , therefore I want
you to do what you said.. Leave com We're watching your every move, You love larping We knew
You were some fucking autistic nigger larp since our first encounter with you Rayan.
beams people on roblox.. But I checked your "roblox currency" , It's highly low, Don't Worry!
We will provide screenshots (as always) , But Rayan , Let's come to conclusions, And agree
You are a nobody , a larp at most.

So Rayan we will be contacting your fucking autistic father who you shared a number with
Which Lead to easier dorking and ran your fucking info. We humbled you and made you our
bitch Rayan. Now all of your peers are dming me "do you have alexs info" , Jesus Rayan
We expected you to be a calm , smart-minded person , But it seems you're just another
Egotistical larp.. ~Restin

Skid, some people dont know the meaning of the word. To steal code from others
,claim you can do things but not(larping), claiming you are someone you arent, 
and always trying to be better than another skid, calling others skids. That's what a skid is, so Rayan Alex Bouhali I want you to feel skid. 
Feel true Pain, Feel my venom - synapsec

                                 > MP4 <                                                                   > Expose Comp <

 https://streamable.com/a703bm       ~       Why such the shaky voice?        https://prnt.sc/1vrhn05                            Asked for templates 

 https://streamable.com/eckhta       ~       Bulled into changing alias       https://prnt.sc/1vrhspc                            Aw , Changing too fast I see

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vri07j                            Asks me to dox the egirls who left him

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vri3i6                            He begged!

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vri8ou                            GOOGLE STUBBING LOL

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vrihdb                            Don't run

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vrijbs                            Ran out of "com"
                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vril29                            Quick Meme

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vrfe7y                            Proof Of the first mp4

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vrl2e3                            Doxxers don't teach larps mane

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vmusf1                            Don't be scared noww

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vrlfnh                            LOL?

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vrliii                            Want to learn from your inspiration??

                                                                              https://prnt.sc/1vrml1c                            Daddy Issues?

                      > LOL <
            https://prnt.sc/1vrnpsj ~ Is that so?
            https://prnt.sc/1vrnt4w ~ Ironic
            https://prnt.sc/1vrnw9e ~ I thought I "couldn't doxx"
            https://prnt.sc/1vrnyvg ~ No you can't , or won't

[Synaps3c X Restin]█░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ ALIAS / PSUEDONYMS ]█░░▓

                                                        ➪   Alex        					 					        					
                                                        ➪   Rayan 
                                                        ➪   Ray
                                                        ➪   Al
                                                        ➪   RayBhouli
                                                        ➪   BhouliR
                                                        ➪   Ryan

                                                        ➪   XC	                                                   
                                                        ➪   txt                                        					
                                                        ➪   tlzoo               			   					 
                                                        ➪   CyberSecutiry  
                                                        ➪   mgtl09 
                                                        ➪   Mondo 

[Synaps3c X Restin]█░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ BASIC INFORMATION  ]█░░▓

  ➪  Full Name:              Rayan Alex Bouhali	    
  ➪  Age: 		      15  
  ➪  Year Of Birth: 	      2006
     ➪  SSN:                 XXXX-XX-XXXX

     ➪ Skin Color:           Lightskin 
        ➪ Sex:               Male
        ➪ Height:            5'5       
        ➪ Eye Color:         Brown
        ➪ Hair Color:        Brown    
        ➪ Nаtіоnаlіtу:       Аmеrісаn 

  ➪  Education:              South Gwinnett High School
     ➪  Address: 	      2288 Main St E, Snellville, GA 30078
     ➪  Phone:               +1 (770) 972-4840	
     ➪  Occupation:          Discord Larp , autistic retard

  ➪  Mobile Number:         +1 (678) 790-0274    
     ➪ Carrier:              Metro PCS Communications Inc-NSR/2         
     ➪ Type:                 Wireless           
     ➪ CNAM:                 Wireless Caller           
     ➪ SMS Gateway:          6787900274@mymetropcs.com       
     ➪ MMS Gateway:          6787900274@mymetropcs.com

  ➪ Home Address:            1260 Summit Point Ln Snellville GA 30078 >current<
			      373 Stone Mountain St, Unit B2 Lawrenceville GA 30046 >old< 

[Synaps3c X Restin]█░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[   EMAIL ADDRESSES  ]█░░▓

  ➪  [A] Email: rayanbouhali10@gmail.com	    / Roblox			                        	    
      ➪  [A] Name:  Rayan Bouhali		   /  Discord				    
      ➪  [A] GoogleID:                            [] https://prnt.sc/1vndkey [https://prnt.sc/1vngtv4]
      ➪  [A] Status: Jacked		           \  Youtube					
      ➪  [A] Relevancy: Main		            \ GitHub

  ➪  [B] Email: jaouad.bouhali@homeinstead.com	         / PT				    
        ➪  [B] Name:  Jaouad J Bouhali	               /  ING				    
        ➪  [B] GoogleID:                             [] FaceBook
        ➪  [B] Status: Active		               \  Youtube					
        ➪  [B] Relevancy: Main		                \ Google

  ➪  [C] Email: rodayna2008@hotmail.com                  / PT				    
          ➪  [C] Name:  Farah Echchalhi	        /  ING				    
          ➪  [C] GoogleID:                            [] FaceBook
          ➪  [C] Status: Active		         \ Youtube					
          ➪  [C] Relevancy: Main		          \ Google
  ➪  [D] Email: pursuedgamer@yahoo.com	         
          ➪  [D] Status: Deleted		       					
          ➪  [D] Relevancy: Inactive		              

[Synaps3c X Restin]█░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[    SOCIAL MEDIA    ]█░░▓

  ➪ Youtube
    ➪ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc4jgbQYiFFlzx6L6hwU45whttps://www.youtube.com/c/MohammedHijab (FAKED)
      ➪ rayanbouhali10@gmail.com  

  ➪ Youtube Videos
    ➪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5jbV4nG5rQ&t=60shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMB-DlLrrXk

  ➪ YouTube Archives 
    ➪ https://streamable.com/h64m5khttps://streamable.com/i1e5o9

  ➪ GitHub:
    ➪ https://github.com/tlzo

  ➪ Roblox
    ➪ https://www.roblox.com/users/1380691878/profile

  ➪ Discord
    ➪ xc#0001

  ➪ Discord ID
    ➪ 662480825899679785

  ➪ Faked Instagram
    ➪ https://www.instagram.com/alexx/

  ➪ Faked Twitter
    ➪ https://twitter.com/alex

[Synaps3c X Restin]█░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[    FAMILY INFO     ]█░░▓

        ➪  [ A ]    Relation:       Father 
    ➪  [ B ]     Full Name:         Jaouad Bouhali			
    ➪  [ B ]  Age:                  53										
    ➪  [ B ]  YOB:                  1965			
    ➪  [ B ]  SSN:                  255-82-XXXX

        ➪  [ C ]    Skin Color:     Brown  			
    ➪  [ C ]  Sex:                  Male 										
    ➪  [ C ]  Height:               5-6'0		
    ➪  [ C ]  Hair Color:           Brown    
    ➪  [ C ]  Eye Color:            Brown

        ➪  [ D ] Education:          University of Georgia Mary Frances Early College of Education
    ➪  [ D ]  Address:               110 Carlton St, Athens, GA 30602
    ➪  [ D ]  Mobile:                (706) 542-6446
    ➪  [ D ]  Occupation:            Nigger
    ➪  [ D ]  WorkPlace:
        ➪  [ E ]                    Mobile: +1 (678) 740-7181   		            					
    ➪  [ E ]  Carrier:              Metro PCS Communications Inc-NSR/2         
    ➪  [ E ]  Type:                 Wireless           
    ➪  [ E ]  CNAM:                 Wireless Caller           
    ➪  [ E ]  SMS Gateway:          6787407181@mymetropcs.com       
    ➪  [ E ]  MMS Gateway:          6787407181@mymetropcs.com

    ➪  [ E ]  Home Address: :       1260 Summit Point Ln Snellville GA 30078 >current<
			            373 Stone Mountain St, Unit B2 Lawrenceville GA 30046 >old< 

 ██▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓██▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓██▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓████▓░█  █░░▓

       ➪  [ F ]    Relation:         Mother 
    ➪  [ G ]     Full Name:          Farah Echchalhi			
    ➪  [ G ]  Age:                   33										
    ➪  [ G ]  YOB:                   1986			
    ➪  [ G ]  SSN:                   256-04-XXXX

        ➪  [ H ]    Skin Color:      Brown  			
    ➪  [ H ]  Sex:                   Female 										
    ➪  [ H ]  Height:                5'2	
    ➪  [ H ]  Hair Color:            Brown    
    ➪  [ H ]  Eye Color:             Brown

        ➪  [ I ] Education:          Mercer University, Tift College of Education
    ➪  [ I ]  Address:               3001 Mercer University Dr, Atlanta, GA 30341
    ➪  [ I ]  Mobile:                (678) 547-6084
    ➪  [ I ]  Occupation:            Female Nigger
    ➪  [ I ]  WorkPlace:
        ➪  [ J ] Mobile:            +1 (678) 7407181@
    ➪  [ J ]  Carrier:              YMAX Communications-NSR/1                       
    ➪  [ J ]  Type:                 Wireless                        
    ➪  [ J ]  CNAM:                 Wireless Caller                      
    ➪  [ J ]  SMS Gateway:          6787407181@mymetropcs.com                
    ➪  [ J ]  MMS Gateway:          6787407181@mymetropcs.com    

    ➪  [ K ] Home Address :         1260 Summit Point Ln Snellville GA 30078 >current<    
                                     373 Stone Mountain St, Unit B2 Lawrenceville GA 30046 >old<

[Synaps3c X Restin]█░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[      CREDITS       ]█░░▓

                                                This dox was brought to you by.

[Synaps3c X Restin]█░░▓█▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓█████▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓███▓░█[ NEIGHBORHOOD ????  WATCH ]█░░▓

                                            We immediately gas any suspicious Jews
                                                          Be Aware.