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Dox Done by : {L3G} Nuke (me), {L3G} Satan, {L3G} Sleepy, {L3G} PHY, {L3G} Sway, {L3G} Ghost, {L3G} C, {L3G} N16H7M4R3, {L3G} po3x, {L3G} Torm 
Name : Preslee Snodgrass 
Age : 18
Phone Number : (832)-715-0323 
Fathers Number : (832)-382-9471
IP Address : (Static) 
Address : 6273 pvt rd 3003
The fucks discord (send him a message?) preslee#2210
Family : 
Ryan Snodgrass (father) 
Willene Snodgrass (Grandmother) 
Mike Snodgrass (Grandfather)
Reason for dox
Our friend Preslee here is a insecure, depressed sad boy who doesn't know how to fucking spell or do shit like any other human. 
The thought process of this man shocks me, he harasses little girls (ages range from 12-15) for nudes and says shit like "i want to fuck you".
Not only does he say these things but he sends weird ass pictures of his deformed dick (which were never asked for) DID I MENTION HE IS 18??
https://ibb.co/yWc0QPQ pic of him sending his weird ass dick to a 14 year old 
https://ibb.co/3TzsFkn another pic of him sending a dp to a 15 year old
https://ibb.co/J22L4QL his excuse for doing this LOL
https://ibb.co/BZK10bj the fucker is crying (btw she 14) LOLOLOL
https://ibb.co/TwFhPZV him being asked nicely to stop the shit (he doesn't)
https://ibb.co/Vj7smKS him asking a 13 year old for sex and describing how
https://ibb.co/St8CVkT him asking a girl if she wants a dick pic (15, she says no, does it anyways)
https://ibb.co/zbky1RG him jerking off to a young girls pfp
https://ibb.co/FD8spX5 picture of him doing what we say like a good little pedo (he drew on his face LOL) 
https://ibb.co/1dm4254 me telling him me and my team are coming for him LOL (he shit himself after) 

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      We have no remorse for our enemy's, we help the broken and find the lost. If L3GION is called upon you... Run.. L3GION