_  __                _          _____ _                                 _    
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       __/ |      __/ |                                        __/ |           
      |___/      |___/                                        |___/            

Chermik (Kyrylo Chernyak) is a sex-attracted and very aggressive person. He doesn't have friends irl (yes, this is real).
His sex attraction was in "I love fucking nikitas", "I fucked nikitas", "I cummed in nikitas", "Nikitas, show your
stockings (wth)", "I am fucking nikitas", "Nikitas on top", "Noo, Nikitas is my", "Nikitas, fuck me".
He literally begs thigh highs from rad and wawalol. Also, he thinks his life is "bio with chermik and nikitas". 
When I (Nikitas) removed the bio, he started drama.
He started thinking about suicide. When I added bio back, he stopped the drama.
We have his voice, face and e.t.c (thanks to ArtemMine37 recordings).

Name: Kyrylo Chernyak Ivanovych
IP: (Open ports (22, 80 and etc, not his) and dynamic IP (maybe)), ISP - Orbita
Router MAC-address: 64:64:4A:3F:01:BE 
Where he lives: Ukraine, Pervomayskiy, Microdistrict 6, 170004 (may be fake ZIP code)
   Coordinates: 49.403783, 36.211754 (probably)
School: Litsey No.7
  School Program: NUS (New Ukrainian School)
Discord: chermik
    Discord account registered on xarborling@gmail.com (alt with 2FA) password: 0661502345
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100034316134883&mibextid=LQQJ4d (empty)
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@user-fz3ej6yv4o?si=TYC_hZEeZ-0S_bx5
VK: https://vk.com/xarborling
Phone number: +380 50 676 2794, Vodafone
Emails: xarborling@gmail.com, xpwindows471@gmail.com, kirillchernyaka@gmail.com (may be invalid)
OS: Windows 11 23H2
Case: 1stPlayer case with COBRA logo
Motherboard: Asrock H410-HVS
CPU: i3-10100F with Intel box cooler
Memory: 16 GB DDR4 2666 MHz
GPU: ASUS Geforce GTX 1050 Ti Phoenix 4GB
SSD: 240 GB GoodRAM CL100
HDD: Toshiba 1 TB
  Name: Chernyak Julia Aleksandrovna
  Year of birth: 1986
  Probably works as baker.
  Phone number: Unknown.
  Name: Chernyak Ivan Mikolaevich
  Year of birth: 1986
  Probably works at car service.
  Phone number: Unknown.
There's no sense to put his granddad, grandpa and etc.

Made with biggest love of Nikitas :3,
RadGoodNow, ArtemMine37, Oparich, 
Daniel6745, wawalol and sh1rm4n.

Big thanks to all people that helped whit doxing.

If you got some info about chermik and it isn't inculded here, write to nikitas__.
Also, feel free to ask some questions about him in Discord.