Preface: Kyoto is a predator on boon who has admitted having sexual intercourse with multiple 15 year old boys in real life. Apparently this is legal within Sweden D:
Hangs out with obsessive wannabe "hacker" friends who spend months trying to social engineer information for failed doxes on girls that no one cares for! lol! 
Instead of writing 1200 word essays in a dox that makes up 90% of the file maybe invest the time in your computer course where you're learning speadsheet XDDDD

She has an autistic brother aged over 30 but has a mental age same as the 15 year olds she fucked. ?_? 

Full Name: Hillevi Maria Hjerén
Country: Stockholm, Sweden
Birthday: May 20 2002
Aliases: kyoto, OGBeeper, Limca
Address: Lekplatsvägen 3 lgh 1501
17271 Sundbyberg (Lives in a shitty apartment, It is 102 square meters and has 4 rooms.)

Snapchat: hilleviis
Instagram: hllxcvi
Her facebooks: (deactivated because shes treambling) (deactivated because shes treambling)
Pinterest: (old) (new - changed after getting scared)

School: St Eriks Gymnasium
Grundskola Samhällsvetenskap
2019 - 2022
Her dad:
Name: Michael Hjerén
Birthday: March 16 1958
His phone numbers: 0703670740, 072-537 72 34

Her mom:
Name: Anna-Lena Hjerén
Birthdate: April 20 1960
Phone number: 0727440740
Has a nursing education. She has a degree in health and care with a focus on occupational therapists. Company involvement. Rosveden 600420XXXXregistered 2010, holder.

Sorry about simswapping Leyla's phone btw hehe loving the saved memories in her snapchat xoxo Enjoyed reading her DMs on fb as well kek

Other related people but irrelevant since she's already been pwned XDDDD

Random ugly picture of her a few years ago:

Her nudes (warning you might puke)

Get big again and I'll get you abducted by aliens
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Doxed by 

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