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Title:Kuroi SH KuroiSH Dengisan
Created:Jun 21st, 2020
Created by: ReturnStatement
Views: 597
Comments: 2
Edited at: Jun 20th, 2020
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
/$$$$$$$ /$$ | $$__ $$ |__/ | $$ \ $$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$ /$$$$$$$ /$$$$$$ /$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ /$$__ $$| $$__ $$ /$$__ $$| $$ /$$_____/ |____ $$| $$__ $$ | $$ | $$| $$$$$$$$| $$ \ $$| $$ \ $$| $$| $$$$$$ /$$$$$$$| $$ \ $$ | $$ | $$| $$_____/| $$ | $$| $$ | $$| $$ \____ $$ /$$__ $$| $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$/| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$| $$$$$$$| $$ /$$$$$$$/| $$$$$$$| $$ | $$ |_______/ \_______/|__/ |__/ \____ $$|__/|_______/ \_______/|__/ |__/ /$$ \ $$ |$$$$$$/ RETURNED BY **RETURN** Dengisan Discord Account(S) - NASA#0001 - KuroiSH#0001 Name: Dengisan Ramadanoski (REAL) (CONFIRMD) FakeName: Dennis Quentros Anthony Lucardio Supai (FAKE EXPOSED) CURRENTIP: (REAL) (CONFIRMD) Internet Provider: Ziggo Telephone Number/Whatsapp: 06 87632326 (REAL) (CONFIRMD) DOB: 08-04-1999 Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Envycsgo007/ Continent: Europe Country: Netherlands Country code: NL Province: Noord-Brabant City: Breda Street: Ahornstraat 35 Postal/Zip Code: 4814 LG BREDA NL Pictures: https://4n.al/u/64NvHT_screenshot8.png https://4n.al/u/64MTXo_screenshot9.png https://4n.al/u/66mAla_screenshot10.png https://4n.al/u/66f6d1_screenshot11.png Gender: Male Emails: - dengisan@hotmail.com - demgisan@live.nl - Jordyjanssen@live.nl - lolbroekm@gmail.com - TheFreakGamingNL@outlook.com - MrDanny@hotmail.com - tfgnl@outlook.com - prosapbihosting@hotmail.com - syotexgamesyoutube@outlook.com - plazanetwork@gmail.com - plazanetwork@outlook.com - prathamyoutube@outlook.com - lolbroekm@gmail.com - sdasd@live.nl - info@syotexgames.eu - lemmedox2222555hhahahaf@outlook.com - vlogsvants@gmail.com Aliases/Teams: - Wolfpack - CyberX - Dutchsanity - Cumstick - HinsHosting - MrTr4ct!ON - CumstickWolf - Illuminazi (root) - Plazanetwork - TeamBigBomb - Dengisan - FreakgamingNL - SyotexGames - prathamyoutube - TornadoSecurity - Illuminazi - UDP_Family - TR4NSH4CKTE4M - Balcroteas - 970GB - Gary McKinnon - Poodlecorp (UGGM) - Exe Family (UGGM) - AnonNazi (UGGM) - PurgeScan Copple Lie's: LIE: Head - Developer CubeCraft Games REAL: Hazuni Hackclient User LIE: Leader PoodleCorp REAL: Fanboy PoodleCorp LIE: Dennis Quentros Anthony Lucardio Supai REAL: Dengisan Ramdanoski LIE: 18 Years Old REAL: 16 Years Old And a lot more... -------------------------------------- Some of his "jobs": DDossing Politie.nl DDossing Skids Trying to be a God Using "Inspect Element" when he "Deface" or "Hack" a website. Or he need to proof he is real hacker and owner of a account (PoodleCorp) xaxaxaxaxa -------------------------------------- School: -------------------------------------- School: Praktijkschool Breda | https://www.praktijkschoolbreda.nl/ - https://www.praktijkschoolbreda.nl/leerlingen/leerlingenraad Class: 3oba1 - Old class 1C | class 2D Phone: 0765226030 Adress: Frankenthalerstraat 17 Postal/Zip Code: 4816 KA Breda ------------------------------------- Social Media ------------------------------------- Twitters: @Balcroteas // @SyotexGames // @970GB // @DutchSanity // @DutchSanityNL // @Cumstick_Exe // @Dengisan Youtube: NEW: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeM6wqmdlmrlNOUDEZlLO7Q // SyotexGames OLD: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFMf5ieHOvHPPsMuhDZnKGg // TheLivestreamChannel His 7k YouTube account got hacked and deleted. He got it because he hacked someone and got his subs. And he got a shoutout from "Doemaargamen" (His Big Friend) xaxaxaxaxa Instagram: - _Syotexgames - syotexgames_ - syotex.games - officialdutchsanity - dutchsanityfan - doemaarnietzeuren - buurtvader.nl Skypes: - Sir.teamdino - progendeboer - sir.illimunaziroot - thefreakgamingnl - live:klassentegenwordiger - kevindoesgamesnl - dengisan - jankenfr.py - marcovanbeek - live:prathamyoutube - sir.dengisan - dan.e.6 - annfung67 - live:plazanetwork_1 - bmobneka - thefreakinggaming1 - live:klassenteg - tornadosecurity - tornadosecurity.bot - omgitsshivah - live:ilsaatjeismijnzussie - gewoonkillman.cumstick - stoffelnl - redgy.kenis3 - russel66 (Current 1) - exov.sec (Current 2) Facebooks: - https://www.facebook.com/flubbo.flubbohotel - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007165841840 - https://www.facebook.com/dengisan.klassentegenwordiger - https://www.facebook.com/ikstopmetditaccount ------------------------------------ Passwords: - Smikkelbeer14 - selma43 - klant99 - opdeas33 - opdeas45@ - klant88 - selma34 - selma12 - dengisan45 - Tco3ondZ - dengisan34 - windows80@ - dengisan44 - selma1234567 - windows800@ - selma3428 - Kanker123 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Family/Friends: =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* https://www.facebook.com/selma.ramadanoski <--- Mommy (steph) https://www.facebook.com/marja.sabanova?fref=ufi&pnref=story <--- Mommy (steph) https://4n.al/u/72qxWf_screenshot12.png https://4n.al/u/726k10_screenshot13.png <<< Picca https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009567341034&ref=ts&fref=ts <--- Fake name https://www.facebook.com/flubbo.flubbohotel?fref=ufi <--- Cousin https://www.facebook.com/fatma.karakulak.564 <--- Cousin https://www.facebook.com/gokhan.karakulak1 <--- Cousin Skypes Mommy: - selma.ramadanoski - marja.sabanova - selma.ramadanoski1 - selma.ramadanoski2 - live:demgisan
2 years ago
4 years ago