[☒] VK: https://vk.com/qweorzxcorqwehttps://vk.com/id472424394 卍
卍 https://vk.com/id395547083 卍

卍 Fullname: Kunov Kimran Vadimovich 卍
卍 Passport: 0706784516卍

卍 Date Birthday: 02/16/2006 卍

卍 Face: https://imgur.com/a/Qzlfcd1 卍

卍 Place of Residence: Russia, Voronezh 卍

卍 Science: VSFLTU im. G. F. Morozova (formerly VGLTA) 卍

卍 Phone number: +79034469383 卍
卍 hone number (Mother): +79614611233 卍

卍 Mail: kimrankunov7636@gmail.com / kiyvplanted@gmail.com 卍

[☒] Other accounts:
卍 Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/blxdeking 卍
卍 YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@bladekingggg/ 卍
卍 Steam - https://steamcommunity.com/id/1338Liker/ 卍
卍 Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/user/31zyhbljygf5woa3c5jv6xpun3iy 卍
卍 Personal Area - https://portfolio.vgltu.ru/portfolio/46761 卍
卍 Discord - blxdekingg 卍
卍 Skype (Mother) - kimranka79 卍
[☒] Classmates:
卍 VK - https://vk.com/a_nna_na_sik 卍
卍 VK - https://vk.com/vlilwqn 卍
卍 VK - https://vk.com/id669075819 卍

[☒] IGN (Minecraft):
- n3ghtblxde
- kxinemon
- blxdekingg

[☒] Parents:
卍 Father - https://vk.com/kozhuhov_m or https://vk.com/id139711533 卍
卍 Mother - https://vk.com/irinalifeisgood / https://vk.com/irina_nesynova 卍
卍 Dad - https://vk.com/id711425787 卍
卍 Grandma - https://vk.com/id715082822 卍

[☒] IP Address:
卍 卍

[☒] Address information:
├ Proxy: not used
├ Country: Russia
├ Region: Voronezh region
├ City: Voronezh
├ Provider: AS60840 OJSC Telecom-Service
├ Supplier: OJSC Telecom-Service
└ Coordinates: 51.701, 39.1527

[☒] Not very useful information
卍 His mother's relatives: 卍
卍 https://vk.com/id136939381 卍
卍 https://vk.com/id83079156 卍
卍 https://vk.com/id64472079 卍
卍 https://vk.com/id12979248 卍

Reason dox
- Personal insult
- Racism
- Support for the RuZZ world
- Interethnic strife
- Carding

[☒] His close internet friends confirmed all the information about him [☒]

dox by good man & liwol