
 													 ____            _     _       
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                                                        By LisoV (rtx)

										Reason:Pedofil jebany gruby smieć

       				                         BASIC INFORMATION
                                                            ➤ Picture: "https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1224346227328684184/1224346258068602941/image.png?ex=662662cf&is=6613edcf&hm=95de5a53bcd094831cf6ca2d11e8f84f9418f27bad6b6f5265a55b9cc090cce6&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=366&height=675"
                                                            ➤ Name/Pseudonyms: 
                                                              ➣ "Kubuś", 
                                                            ➤ Age: 20
                                                            ➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: 06.04.2004
                                                            ➤ Location of Birth: Katowice	
                                                            ➤ Location: Niemcy
                                                            ➤ Race: Goblin jebany 
                                                            ➤ Sexual Orientation: gej pierdolony  
                                                            ➤ Native Language: Polski
                                                              ➣ Additional Information
                                                              ➣ Gender:M
                                                              ➣ Weight: 150 kilo gruba dziwka
                                                              ➣ Height: 170+

                                                            PERSONAL INFORMATION
                                                            ➤ Country of Citizenship: Germany 	

                                                            ➤ ⚠️ [DLN] Driver License: "Tak"
							    ➤ IP: 51.31851920583254, 9.47053422610365
                                               		    ➤ Mobile Phone Number: +49 157 52067395
                                                            ➤ Current Address: Kölnische Straβe 145, Kassel, Niemcy
                                                            ➤ Postal Code: 34119 
                                                            ➤ Email Address: Nieznany
                                                              ➣ Additional Information

                                                              ➣ Timezone: GMT+2

                                                            FAMILY INFORMATION
                                                            FAMILY PHOTO SLOT: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1223652433658515467/1229179378232070164/image.png?ex=662ebd80&is=661c4880&hm=7e3118c376de9012856a3a11b2cbe2e69d5b87b7094950e2e2fb1c9ca9f14706&"
                                                            ➤ Mother Name: Jakas kurwa jebana 
                                                              ➣ Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1223652433658515467/1229187707872481480/image.png?ex=662ec542&is=661c5042&hm=95f9ec82046df301f84db71ce0a79913497275cc8e0b4e3aa7b736ad19940f6a&

                                                              ➣ ⚠️ [DLN] Driver License: "Nieznany"


                                                            ➤ Father Name: N
                                                              ➣ Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1223652433658515467/1229188010399105074/image.png?ex=662ec58a&is=661c508a&hm=0cbb2b01a5720c35156d33b640ba98dc35df5be2fa5d2b3b56f5bee2b961e37d&  
                                                              ➣ ⚠️ [DLN] Driver License: "Tak"



                                                            [DETAILS] Work Name: Rzeźnik jebany
                                                            ➤ Work Address: Heβlinigsweg 65, Kassel, Niemcy

						 	    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheKuba.Karwicki
                                                            ➤Doxxed By LisoV (rtx)