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[~] Main Info
Full Name - Krystian Latacz
Nickname - Nexareh
Gender - Male
Age - 15
Birth date - 13.02.2006
Email - nexareh@gmail.com
Phone number - +48792518857
Carrier - Play
IP - ????
Address - Strzegowa 91
City - Wolbrom
Zip Code - 32-340
Country - Poland
Primary school - Zespół Szkół w Dłużcu 
High school - Zespół Szkół w Wolbromiu

[~] Social Media
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/KrystianLataczNexareh
Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVf45aGbsTWXvYGXx0i6JhQ
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nexareh, https://www.instagram.com/nexareh_prywatnie, https://www.instagram.com/nexareh_
Tiktok - https://www.tiktok.com/@nexareh_
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-834899652
Snapchat - nexareh
Discord - ????

[~] Pictures
Face - https://u.teknik.io/X70pa.png, https://u.teknik.io/hC11s.png, https://u.teknik.io/K5iPb.png, https://u.teknik.io/KpAQW.png
House - https://u.teknik.io/TYNA7.png, https://u.teknik.io/864sC.png, https://u.teknik.io/I8hPC.png

[~] Reason
He's fucked up. He beat up a mildly retarded teenager, almost ruined his new pants (the victim is from a poor family), also smashed his face with a metal wire,
stole alcohol from a store and tried to steal metaxa too. He scammed people and has two cases in court for battery.

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