Everyone on this site is harmless, literally can't touch either of us. Try me. Fucking skid losers.

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| V3XT3RH4CK#1337 | 

 .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------. 
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 '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------' 

Name: Kris Lusk.
Picture: https://gyazo.com/f859c7f8a06684a1e85528a07456b4a6
Known IP:
Address: 54 Elderwood Street.
Other Address i found: 16 Guildford Road.
City: Bayswater WA.
ZIP Code: 6053.
House Budget.
Flooring  $7000.
Water Tanks  $3,500.
Doors  $800.
Hinges $200.
Kitchen  $15,000.
Bathrooms $15,000.
Slab  $20,000.
Sister: Sisters name: Kristy Lusk.

Mums Mangers work Davis Funeral Services.
30 Winifred Road Bayswater WA 6053.

Letter from Norman Clarkson to his Client Mr Davis.
Dear Mr Davis We would remind you that your account for the purchase of flowers is more than three months overdue.
As this account is considerably overdue, we would request payment within seven days.

Yours sincerely.

Norman Clarkson.
IP Info:
Decimal: 2424968523
ASN: 45510
ISP: Telstra Internet
Organization: Telstra Internet
Services: None detected
Type: Broadband

Geo Info: 
Assignment: Static IP
Continent: Oceania
Country: Australia
State/Region: New South Wales
City: Sydney
Latitude: -33.8591 
Longitude: 151.2002
Postal Code: 2000

Kristy Lusks message to Denise Armstrong: Thankyou for allowing us to quote for the weekly cleaing of your joffice situated at 4A Primkrose, Street, Mitchell Park  We wish to advise that the cost of cleaing will be $50 per week and we will invoice you monthly. Please confirm if this quotation is acceptable and, if so, date of commencement.

Reason: Thinks he is leet,
Tried saying he could hack computers with remote desktop connection.

Dropped By Blackhat Batman and Trap Vibes,

PS Let this be a lesson to you skid.