_   _                           _                       
 | | | |   __ _   _   _   _ __   | |_    ___   _ __   ___ 
 | |_| |  / _` | | | | | | '_ \  | __|  / _ \ | '__| / __|
 |  _  | | (_| | | |_| | | | | | | |_  |  __/ | |    \__ \
 |_| |_|  \__,_|  \__,_| |_| |_|  \__|  \___| |_|    |___/

╔[☒] aliases:
╠Pseudonyms:Alexander Kovach
╠Full name: // Румянцев Александр Дмитриевич 
╠☒ Photo.
➳ [1] https://imgur.com/4Q7Oonw
➳ [2] https://imgur.com/HPrsoEz
➳ [3] https://imgur.com/BYUF2zm
➳ [4] https://imgur.com/tHlo6zB
➳ [5] https://imgur.com/XWSVdhc

╠IGN: // nonspoofed // jditeddos // darkneez


╔[☒] About:
╠ Residence: Россия,Тосно // Россия,Сочи
╠ Data of born: 6.08.2002


╔[☒] Accomodation: МБОУ "Гимназия № 2 г. Тосно им. Героя
╠ [1] Address: г. Тосно, ул. М. Горького, д.15 
╠ [2] Number:  +7 (81361) 2-27-92 // +7 (81361) 2-89-92 // +7 (81361) 2-21-53
╠ [3] Site: tosno-gim2.lo.eduru.ru


╔[☒] Social sites:
╠══VK Accounts:
╠ [Main]:├ https://vk.com/jditedos
╠ [2]: https://vk.com/id308756461
╠ [3]: https://vk.com/synless
╠ [4]: https://vk.com/nulled0
╠ [5]: https://vk.com/jditeddos

╠══ OK Accounts:
╠ [1] https://ok.ru/profile/565819277500

╔[☒] Another:
╠══  Pikabu:
╠ [1] https://pikabu.ru/@nonspoofed
╠══ YouTube:
╠ [1] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2UWtm90sX_4Ue844g51x2Q/
╠══ NameMC:
╠ [1] https://ru.namemc.com/profile/1a2a0819-8f08-4f78-b4d3-dc01de01f20d


╔[☒] About relatives:
➳ [1] Father: Румянцев Дмитрий Геннадьевич

➳ [2] Grandfather: Румянцев Геннадий

╔[☒] Info:
╠══Dation of born: 3.08.1943
╠INN // 370240635624
╠══ OGRN // 304370232100101
╠ OK: https://ok.ru/profile/575402573066

Батины галоши: https://imgur.com/R1BRiob
Усы побрей: https://imgur.com/XWSVdhc
Пропал мальчик ;-;: https://imgur.com/4Q7Oonw

╔╣Info by: @internetmare x @urlaccorelli x @jinxdeath
Our group: @fuckhaunters