-----[Konstant.-- dox]----- 
[~] Scammer. 
[~] Piece of shit 
[~] Skid that cant code ands sells pasted cheats 
[~] Once menu source got found said “I only pasted the menu everything else is mine” 
[~] Names: 
Legal name: Emre Cengel 
Online alias(es): Konstant.--, Emrededonator. 
[~] Description 
Skin colour: Tanned, turkish decent. 
Height: unknown 
Weight: unknown 
Gender: male 
Relationship status: Taken 
Age: 16-18 (Not quite sure said multiple things) 
DOB: unknown 
[~] Work information:  
Occupation: Apparently already has work while also claiming to do the highest highschool education possible in the netherlands, that’s untill 17-18 y/o but claims to be 16-18 and doesn’t have school. 
Responsibilities: Making sure his brothers don’t talk too much and scamming kids 
Hobbies: Scamming kids, pasting, paying CS:GO and telling his brothers to shut the fuck up 
Favourite game: CSGO 
Consoles owned: None as far as I know. Atleast isnt a console peasant 
[~] Emails:  
[~] Instagram (not personal): 
[~] Snapchat: 
[~] Website:  
https://emrecengel921.wixsite.com/website (you know its good when its wix) 
[~] Phone number: 
+31 6 11618882 
[~] Dutch bank number: 
NL81 RABO 0334 5231 76 
[~] Adress: 
Menadostraat 39, 3232HD, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 
[~] IP Info: 
Decimal: 1389983866 
Hostname: 82-217-120-122.cable.dynamic.v4.ziggo.nl 
ASN: 33915 
ISP: Ziggo 
Type: Broadband 
Country: The Netherlands