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                                                ║ → 0x01 | Introduction........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x02 | Personal Information................... ║

    ⛧ 0x01 -> Introduction 
    - Kid got some big mouth with some big lips, uses ot like a nonce
    - Next time dont talk shit retard with those big lips

    ⛧ 0x02 -> Personal Information

   ⛧ Information 
   Name -> Daquan Mobid Johnson
   Alias -> KK , KnockKnock
   Email -> Knockknocklips@gmail.com
   Old Passwords -> waTerbreaThing100 , 
   Phone -> ends in 6973 [linked to paypal account]
   Card -> ends in 38 (VISA- also linked to paypal account]
   Address -> 497 Jacob Mare Street
              South Africa, 
  Youtube:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC59q6SzxVmSngBsWpCizC_Q
  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008624504420
  Pictures:  https://prnt.sc/t3u4q9
             https://prnt.sc/t3u5bl [OLD]

Name: Natasha Johnson [mum]
No socials ^
IP Information:

Decimal:           2954431744
Hostname:          b0190d00.bb.sky.com
ASN:               5607
ISP:               BT Broadband
Organization:      BT Broadband
Services:          None detected
Type:              Broadband
Assignment:        Likely Static IP
Continent:         Europe
Country:           United Kingdom gb flag
State/Region:      SA / South Africa 
City:              SA / South Africa 
Latitude:          53.7881  (53° 47′ 17.16″ N)
Longitude:         -1.6008  (1° 36′ 2.88″ W)

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