Kjssed is a 19 year old pedophile that: -Lies. -Acts like a pedophile on a lego game called "Roblox" -Clickbaits and lies to his fans. -Stalks people on roblox and other socials for no fucking reason.

Go troll this dumb nigger, he's 19 and his grammar is trash smh.

He was also threating and leaking 14 year old's face and putting in his video and he's 19. The video is deleted now but still.

Proof: https://anonfiles.com/T0xdfeh5pa/Capture_PNG

Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/66585952/profile

Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCucWmHfT4dhv8Ft7cfABuxQ

This is how he looks like and he's doing all this stuff:


How to piss him off and make him quit? -MAKE EXPOSING VIDEOS ON HIM OR UPLOAD HIS FACE ON YOUTUBE And he will easily quit.

Kjssed, MrFury

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