► Index:
  ⦁ [x.1] Reasoning
  ⦁ [x.2] Information On Target
► [x.1] Reasoning:
  ⦁ Blacklisted me on his shit server and basically a nigger.
► [x.2] Information On Target: 
  ⦁ Aliases: Kipes, Milksales
  ⦁ Full Name: Brendan Callahan
  ⦁ Age: 21
  ⦁ Pictures Of Target: https://gyazo.com/2d57b5d8be13fd7f1e47ae8de6299555 , http://prntscr.com/mwzfst
  ⦁ Phone: +353 8 528 22911
  ⦁ Email: kipesdev@gmail.com , milkplugins@gmail.com
  ⦁ Address: 2 Brittas Rd, Gortataggart, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, E41 H7P9, Ireland
  ⦁ Previous IP's:
  ⦁ ISP: BT Communications
fuck your spoofed server shithead go back to peeling potatoes irish prick
By Leev (;