Kion Royer
Aliases: Danzo, ????
Age 19

Discord Tag: freeybz#7651
Discord Id: 954121383758143588 

Location: Saint Martin
Island in the Caribbean Sea

Number: +590 690 12 28 59

Mother: Esther Royer-Hyman
Other family: Benjamin Royer, Tina Royer, Eucille Royer, Dannel Royer, Joseph Royer, Dariel Royer, Yensi Royer

Photos of Kion Royer:

Photos of Kion Royers family:

Kion Royers Social Media
Ig: risktaker374, sxm.kion_royer
Facebook: Kion Royer
Snapchat: Kion_Sxm

Esther Royers Social Media
Ig: esther_cancerforlife_royer
Facebook: Esther Royer-Hyman

Kion Royer is a discord pedophile that will esex anything that walks.
Kion lives with 10 members of his family in St Martin, his aunt has stage four terminal cancer
and nobody likes that old bitch so Kion gets stuck feeding her, bathing her, and changing her shitty 
adult diapers. While Kion is doing all of this he still finds time to have esex on 
discord. Kion Royer is incapable of getting any real play, therefore he relies on discord bitches with passed
around e-pussy to get a quick nut in. When he’s unable to find any skanky discord bitches, he resorts to 
twitter. On twitter Kion pays even sluttier bitches to face time him so he can get his 2 minute nut in. It has been proven
that Kion decided it would be logical to have esex with a 15 year old while he was 18 and then bend the story
by saying that he was 17 and told the 15 year old girl that he was 18. I know what you’re thinking, this makes no sense.
Why would Kion tell a 15 year old that he was 18? He didn’t. (Proof:
 When people found out about his encounter with the minor
he started to bend the story hoping that he would sound like he’s in the right. He wasn’t. Kion Royer can often be found
dickriding his friend who goes by the name “Holy” or leo. There is nothing holy about this complete waste of space.
Holy thinks he’s big and bad but in reality he’s insecure and miserable. Holy will start to complain as soon as Kion
starts to give someone else more attention than he gives him. Mind you, these poor excuses for human beings don’t even
live in the United States of America, Holy lives in switzerland and Kion lives on a deserted island in between west and
east bumblefuck. Concluding this matter, Kion Royer is very disgusting and two faced and I hope he gets help.