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	 ═> Faggot snitched on a member and then thought he could escape the cult lmao 
	 ═> He grooms children in his class

	 ═> Dont be a traitor lol 

	 ═> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/845413651926089739/846232161919959050/Screenshot_20201219-010327_Instagram.jpg
	 ═> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/845413651926089739/846232254686822400/Screenshot_20201219-010312_Instagram.jpg

══════════════════════════════════>Basic Info<═════════════════════════════════
	 ═> FirstName: Andrew
	 ═> MiddleName: Daniel
	 ═> LastName: Baseley
	 ═> Race: Philipino Part Caucasian 
	 ═> Ethnicity: Philippine, Chinese, and Irish
	 ═> Age: 15
	 ═> DateofBirth: 19th of January 2006 
	 ═> Ip:

══════════════════════════════>Social Medias<══════════════════════════════════
	 ═> Aliases: No ask, Cheese, Radioactive cheese, Kingpizza13 
	 ═> Instagram: @kingpizza_13
	 ═> Discord: my special tea#0265(684587230941282304), kevin astraufer#5289(709288825532186726), John F. Kennedy#7370(709287512358649866), white girl v 5 bbc#7568(698781935836594267)
	 ═> Youtube: KingpiZZa13
	 ═> Discord Server: https://discord.gg/hwFvCqEm

═════════════════════════════>Contact Info<════════════════════════════════════
	 ═> Email: smhoj208@gmail.com
	 ═> SchoolEmail: andrew.359630@nv.ccsd.net(gmail login doesnt work)
	 	═> Password: 20070119

═════════════════════════════>Phone Info<══════════════════════════════════════
	 ═> Number: +1 (702) 502-5174
	 ═> Valid: True
	 ═> LocalFormat: 7025025174
	 ═> InternationalFormat: +17025025174
	 ═> CountryPrefix: +1
	 ═> CountryCode: US
	 ═> CountryName: United States of America
	 ═> Location: Las Vegas
	 ═> Carrier: MetroPCS Communications Inc.
	 ═> LineType: Mobile

══════════════════════════════>Hobbies and Commitments<════════════════════════
	 ═> Playing His Instrument(Tenor Saxophone)
	 ═> Talking and flirting with his so called e═girls 
	 ═> Watching Anime 
	 ═> Playing Genshin Impact

	 ═> Name: Cannon Junior High School
	 ═> Site: https://www.cannonjuniorhighschool.com/
	 ═> FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Cannon═JHS═448188225251020/
	 ═> Twitter: @Cannon_JHS School
	 ═> Mascot: Cardinal
	 ═> Location: 5850 Euclid Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89120 
	 ═> Phone: (702) 799-5600
	 ═> Fax: (702) 799-5644
	 ═> DistrictSite: https://ccsd.net
	 ═> DistrictName: Clark COunty School District
	 ═> Schedule: 1st period: Algebra 1 9:00 AM ═ 10:15 AM 2nd period: Advanced Band 10:15 AM ═ 11:30 AM 3rd period: Accelerated English 11:30 AM ═ 12:45 PM 4th period: Accelerated Science 1:15 PM ═ 2:30 PM
	 ═> StudentIDNumber: 1335713
	 ═> Locker: 1355
	 	═> Combo: 34-00-40

	 ═> Country: United States of America
	 ═> State: Nevada
	 ═> City: Las Vegas
	 ═> Zip: 89120
	 ═> Street: 5163 Titanium Ct

══════════════════════════════>Immunization Records<═══════════════════════════
	 ═> Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, combined [DTaP, DTP] 
	 	═> ComplianceStatus: Compliant
	 	═> Doses:  03/20/2007, 05/25/2007 ,07/24/2007, 03/19/2009, 11/03/2011
	 ═> Hepatitis A [Hep A]
	 	═> ComplianceStatus: Compliant
	 	═> Doses: 01/22/2008, 09/16/2008
	 ═> Hepatitis B [Hep B]
	 	═> ComplianceStatus: Compliant
	 	═> Doses: 01/19/2007, 03/20/2007, 05/25/2007, 07/24/2007 
	 ═> Measles-Mumps Rubella [MMR] 
	 	═> ComplianceStatus: Compliant
	 	═> Doses: 01/22/2008, 11/03/2011
	 ═> Meningococcal 
	 	═> ComplianceStatus: Compliant
	 	═> Doses: 06/22/2018
	 ═> Polio [IPV, OPV]
	 	═> ComplianceStatus: Compliant
	 	═> Doses: 03/20/2007, 05/25/2007, 07/24/2007, 11/03/2011 
	 ═> Tetanus, Diphtheria and Acellular Pertussis [Tdap] 
	 	═> ComplianceStatus: Compliant
	 	═> Doses:  06/01/2017
	 ═> Varicella 
	 	═> ComplianceStatus: Compliant
	 	═> Doses: 01/22/2008, 11/03/2011


	 ═> Name: Stephen Reid Baseley
	 ═> DateofBirth: 5/18/1968
 	 ═> Gender: Male
	 ═> Height: 6 FT 3 IN
	 ═> Weight: 220
 	 ═> Race: White
	 ═> Ethnicity : Non═Hispanic
	 ═> Hair Color : Brown
	 ═> Eye Color : Brown
	 ═> PhoneNumber: +1 (702) 502-1146
	 ═> Occupation: Federally employed international truck driver
	 ═> Offense1: RAPE BY FORCE PC 261.2
	 	═> ConvictionDate: 08/05/1994
	 	═> OffenseLocation: ALAMEDA CO, CA
	 ═> Offense2:  SEXUAL BATTERY PC 243.4
	 	═> ConvictionDate : 01/13/1992
		═> OffenseLocation: ALAMEDA CO, CA
	═> LicensePlateNumber1: 150ZHK
		═> Type: Automobile
		═> Year: 2018
		═> Make: Toyota
		═> Model: Prius
		═> Style: Sedan 4 Door
		═> Color: Black  
	═> LicensePlateNumber2: 258XBD
		═> Type: Automobile
		═> Year: 2013	
		═> Make: Toyota
		═> Model: Prius
		═> Style: Sedan 4 Door
		═> Color: Blue 
	═> LicensePlateNumber3: OT6315
		═> Type: Automobile
		Year: 1975
		Make: Dodge
		Model: Model unavailable
		Style: Other
		Color: Orange 
	═> Address: 5163 TITANIUM CT,LAS VEGAS, NV 89120

	═> Name: Rosemarie T Baseley
	═> Gender: Female
	═> DateofBirth: 8/26/1969
	═> Race: Caucasian
	═> Ethnicity: Caucasian
	═> Religion: Christian
	═> Income: $90 - $99,999
	═> Net Worth: $25,000 - $49,999
	═> Politics: Republican
	═> Occupation: Federally employed mail carrier 
	═> From: Cebu, Philippines 
	═> Address: 5163 TITANIUM CT,LAS VEGAS, NV 89120

	 ═> Name: Nikki Baseley
	 ═> PhoneNumber: +1 (702) 406-7258
	 ═> Address: 5163 TITANIUM CT,LAS VEGAS, NV 89120


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