KingDefault DOX REASON: DICKHEAD BRO I SWTG firstName: Logan lastName: Martin Email: Address: 201 Pleasant Ave N, Surrey, ND 58785, USA State North Dakota IP: ISP: SRT Communications Inc. Likely highschool: Surrey High School, 200 2nd St SE, Surrey, ND 58785, United States School gym rules: Days and hours for gym use are as follows: Monday-Tuesday-Thursday 5:30 - 6:40pm. & 6:45 - 7:55pm Open Gym and/or Traveling Team Practice. Coach/Adult Supervision Required Wednesday 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Adult Basketball Only No Students or Children in Gym. Friday - Saturday - Sunday * Available with Administrative Approval * Sunday after 12:30 p.m. * SPS Staff or SPS Coach Supervision Required for the Entire Practice HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOX BY AVENGERS