                                                                Discord Invite: N/A
        Reason: Massive egotistical druggie who needs a slap

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➤ Picture: https://imgur.com/DRafAIk
➤ Name: Kieran Onions (LMAO)
  ➣ Pseudonyms: Mr. Bob
  ➣ "Kieran 'BelguimModsz' Onions", 
➤ Age: Claims to be 28 but is 24/25
➤ [DOB] Date of Birth: Not confirmed but suspected to be around 1999/2000
➤ Location of Birth: Buckley, Flintshire, United Kingdom
➤ Location: 61 Broadway, Connah's Quay, Deeside CH5 4LR, United Kingdom
➤ Race: Caucasian
➤ Sexual Orientation: Straight but likes cock a bit too much 
➤ Political Affiliation: Retardation
➤ Native Language: English (barely)
➤ Religion: None but claims to be Christian
  ➣ Additional Information
  ➣ Gender: Male 
  ➣ Weight: Twig
  ➣ Height: Looks to be 5'7