Full name: Niko Baumbach
Phone number (Germany/Deutschland): (+49/0) 16097034084

Age: 18

Home adress: Hochscheidstraße 39, 66386 St. Ingbert, Germany/Deutschland
(or maybe Lendelfinger Weg 32 66386 St. Ingbert, Germany/Deutschland)

Schooling: Heizungssanitär (Heating plumbing)

Discord accounts:
- KickallDev#1688 [903363863855132673] (current)
- KickallDevL7#5731 [759035084640354324] (old)
- PoliceFoundkickall#7374 (banned)
- KickallDev-STILLWELL#9072 (banned)
- KickallDev-RETAKE#9072 (banned)

- niko.web.de@gmail.com
- nikoredetlon@gmail.com

- tanicstresser.net (offline)
- sharkstresser.net (?)

Minecraft names:
- Cedrik7234 (current)
- _legitenteyt_ (hacked)
- WilliGamer88 (alt account)

Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kickalldev
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ndg-26QE4c2Fz091Rm2lw
Youtube (old): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEyErK7hcAMDN9GN8uopyZQ
Youtube (private): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNTePYS0RqHje76RWDry7yg

Relationship: He's single but says he has a girlfriend

Additional information:
- Smokes e-cigarette
- Likes to annoy little children and tries to 'get in contact with them'
- Sells, buys and tries to produce child porn