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                                                          ║ Table Of Contents                                      ║
                                                          ║ →     0x01 Introduction                                ║
                                                          ║ →     0x02 Personal Information                        ║
                                                          ║ →     0x03 Previous Addresses                          ║
                                                          ║       0x04 Previous Phone Numb                         ║
                                                          ║ →     0x05 Creds                                       ║

  Greetings, today we have a ewhore that goes by "Kiari" that has terrible opsec and hides there first name Lol. She's ran out by /overtime and 
seeks for attention andthinks shes "Nonchalant" when shes not and feen's for attention while letting 
com kids and random eboys (including me) run her all and own her and gets vaulted in return. https://discord.gg/4ExCUgzt (vault link)

                                                                  The Ending of Kiari.

|- Name: Jackie Dumlao					      |
|- Age: 16						      |
|- DOB: xx/xx/2008                                            |
|- Country/City: America/hawaii Honolulu                      |                                                             
|- Address: 4865 Lee Cir Boulder CO 80303 (she is homeless in hawaii going hotel to hotel while searching for a home currently)|


|- (303) 786-8055                                             |
|- (303) 440-3374                                             |
|- (303) 786-8081                                             |
|- (303) 442-8818                                             |
|- (808) 934-7612                                             |             

|- 4251 Ponderosa Ct Boulder CO 80301                         |
|- 1331 Arapahoe Ave Boulder CO 80302			      |
|- 745 Mohawk Dr Boulder CO 80303 			      |
|- 6515 Wydown Blvd Saint Louis MO 63105                      |

|- Alias femicideslol kiari jah xtortedskitty                 |
|- Discord: investinashotgun			              |
|- Discord id:1082324653671981116  	                      |
|- Insta: @femicideslol/excinerjxeikdk                        |

Credits: Xtortions/xtorted yea_t 

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