Victim: Khair Mccrae

Reason for Dox: being sped

Phone: (215) 951-3846

Address Info:
Address: 1624 67th Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19126
Photo of house:

Ip Info:
Ip Address:

School Info:
School: Grover Washington Middle School
School Phone: (215) 400-3820
School Address: 201 E Olney Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19120
Photo of school:
Principal name: T.J. Blunt
Assistant Principals: Dr. D. DiPaulo and Mr. H. Douglas

Mom's info:
name: Marnet S Stone/Mccrae
phone: (215) 494-6462
Photo of Victim's Mom:

Aliases: Marnet Stone, Stonewall Marnet, Stone Marnet, Marlissa Stone, Marsheeta Stone, Marne't Stone, Martisha Stone, Marlia, Taron Stone, Kisha Jones, David Stanbro, Ray Williston, Giovanni Puccinelli, Rita Puccinelli

Relatives: Marsheeta M Stone, Sharday Stone, Marlia S Stone, Marlene V Stovall, Marlissa Stone, James C Stone, Martisha L Stone, Taron L Stone, Tezra N Niblack, Tina C Stone, Tyme Stone,

Associates: Marlene V Stovall

Neighbors: Emory Lee Johnson Jr, Alice R Sharpe, Claudia E Thomas, Eugene Theodore Bryson, Margaret O Bryson,


Extra Info: Next I will be getting credit card info.