Table of Contents
0x00  Introduction.....................................
0x01  Personal Information.............................
0x02  Accounts.........................................
0x03  IP Information...................................
0x04  Family Members Information.......................
0x05  House Information................................

0x00  Introduction
(A summary of what this is all about)
 He said I wouldn't find anything LAWL
0x01  Personal Information
Name: Kevin Schneider
Aliases: Kevin, Killer
Race: Caucasian
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Address: 269 Dunlop Ave, Tonawanda
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Tonawanda
ZIP: 14150
0x02  Accounts
Discord Kevin#2912
0x03  IP Information
-IP Address-
IP Address

0x04  Family Members Information
NAME Beth Schneider 
AGE/D.O.B  46 years old; 3/23/1974
ADDRESS. 269 Dunlop Ave, Tonawanda, NY 14150

NAME Samual Schneider
AGE/D.O.B 51 years old February 21st 1969
ADDRESS 269 Dunlop Ave, Tonawanda, NY 14150
0x05  House Information
Direct Address: 269 Dunlop Ave, Tonawanda, NY 14150
Country USA
State: New York
City: St. Pete
Town: Tonawanda
ZIP: 14150
Price Sold: $125,000
Type: Single Family
Bed: 2 bd
Bath: 1 ba
Heating: Forced air
Cooling: Central
Year Made: 1958
Area (sqft): 864 Square Feet
Lot Size (acres) 5,806 sqft
Property Photo

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