Keshen's dox

Reason for this dox: Pedophile, Ugly 17 year old, asks people for nudes, sending porn and dick pics while 9 year olds are in the server, asked a 15 (probably 16 not sure) to lick her pussy, pervert, lying bastard,  and overall a fucking weirdo.

Full name: Keshen Wuying Zengwei 
Country: Hong Kong
Phone numbers: 
+852 6917 3527
+862 3179 0793 
^ they don't work / either disabled / he changed numbers ^ 
Address: Parc Oasis Block 23, Tat Chee Ave, Yau Yat Chuen
Google Maps location (sent by him):
Google Maps address link:,+Tat+Chee+Ave,+Yau+Yat+Chuen,+Hong+Kong/@22.3338788,114.1738181,3a,15.6y,118.15h,87.28t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2ihwKZ8zsyiQOD-9Vq7ulQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x34040733841776d7:0xe97cffb2b0953340!8m2!3d22.3337826!4d114.1740788
IP Address: Unknown
Faces:,, (possibly fake, some had a BTS watermark but the first link surely isn't fake)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Phone IMEIs (also leaked by him):
1st: 863291044160118
2nd: 863291044168111