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My past girlfriend decided to cheat on me(with 3 other guys!), and I decided to remind her that this is a bad thing to do. I knew her since 03/21/2021, and we proposed to eachother on 11/29/2022. I was totally into her, but, oh well, she cheated on me. As a cherry on top, she cheated with me with THREE other guys. She sent nudes to one of them, showing her chest. We loved eachother for 6 months, and she just decided to make a bitch move like that. You don't do this to people who gave their life into your hands. Although, i expected this to happen. I loved her very much (although, i can't say the same for her), and I legitemately dropped out of school, only because she promised me to pick me up when we both hit 18. She thought it would be funny to have 4 relationships at once, but, you're reading the result of this incident. I trusted her with all my heart - i was foolish enough to let a 16 year old female control my life. I have had various reasons why i can trust her: 1) We know eachother for 2 years (https://prnt.sc/dxdygSn550-5) 2) I can talk with her relatives (if i want to) 3) She sent me her face (from her words, i was the first one to get it) 3.1) I recieved a lot of info from her, that, supposedly, no one had to see. 4) She *was* an awesome person overall - or so I thought. I gave her a lot of money, approximately 150$ in total(yes, that's a lot for me, an unemployed guy) 5) She was giving me presents everytime there's a holiday in the United States - as a person, who has never recieved such amounts of money, it was astonishing for me (too lazy to check) 6) We have around 2 thousand messages saying "i love you", both from me and her. (https://prnt.sc/lDHJSfMlAVRG) 7) We have ~~200,000 messages in total, over the time span of 2 years since i met her. (https://prnt.sc/5lzjHdKznos5) 8) I never wanted to do this - hell, i can still confirm that i hold feelings for her! I was totally into her - i even got a tattoo of her on my back side of the thumb. 9) Our relationship was strong as if it could withstand infinite serious punches from saitama - we were talking with eachother every day. 10) Her IQ was 126! Not to mention it was measured by an actual psychiatrist. She is really smart for a person her age. It's just sad realizing that people like her still exist. I gave her my life - i dropped out of school because she promised me to, quote on quote, take care of me, when i move to the united states. In fact, i *may* be a bad guy too. When I found out that she cheated on me - i gave access to my friend(19 years old), telling him to, quote on quote, make her apologize for what she has done I did not expect him to threat her and her family. You may see this as a stupid excuse, but, i have nothing else to say. I was really drunk at that time, and giving my friend access to my account(therefore resulting in him, threatening her life), was not a good decision. I didn't care about explaining it to her - she just won't believe me. I knew her for 2 years after all. Anyways, let's get funky. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- History of her cheating on me (since january!): https://anonfiles.com/GbMatbr8z3/Direct_Messages_Private_con_1058984627328524348_html Alias: X3NT0S (on roblox) Dr. Plush Syno STEAM_P4 (on roblox) Tqisx (on roblox) Roblox user link: Main account: https://www.roblox.com/users/1550743388/profile Alternate account: https://www.roblox.com/users/3324153127/profile Name: Kenzie Payton Joiner Birthdate: 14 october, 2006 Age: 16 (at the time of 15th may, 2023) Work: Unemployed Location: United States, South Carolina, Swansea, 1337 Old Swamp Rd (https://prnt.sc/iyJYwiujjiLV) Zipcode: 29160 Coordinates: 33.787490293804254, -80.92374660923 Credit card: Mackenzie Joiner 5220940163191943 06/27 585 (https://prnt.sc/xp-nHUioBlyn) Paypal email: tqisxx@gmail.com (https://prnt.sc/ILMDBKROSCbB) Phone Number: (803) 307 2700 (https://prnt.sc/OKUAM3AC0tpT) Ip Address: House Picture: https://prnt.sc/oPR50TIp9cTj Her email: tqisxx@gmail.com Her discord: ID: 714875469941702656 tag: SIGIL#0001 Server you can find her in: aHR0cHM6Ly9kaXNjb3JkLmNvbS9pbnZpdGUvYlBXdVFLZA== (anti dumbass protection) Passwords: k3nz!33358 k3nz!3335 k3nz!3J10 k3nz!3J10! School she goes to: Brookland Cayce High School Place she was born at: US, SC, West Columbia, Lexington medical center Nudes: No. I am not a monster. Picture of her mom: https://prnt.sc/613rF76uNtr- or https://anonymfile.com/9BRdD/image.png or https://anonfiles.com/03Jbt1r6z2/Screenshot_2685_png Face pic of her: https://prnt.sc/ab4nsxbaS8IE or https://anonymfile.com/Daz66/image.png or https://anonfiles.com/te31t4r8zd/95EA6890_626F_4350_873F_7E2A451ACACA_jpg ------------------------------ Her relatives ----------------------------------- Mother: https://www.fastbackgroundcheck.com/people/contessa-joiner/id/f9436952523166734688 Father: Left the family when she was young/not yet born Grandmother: https://www.fastbackgroundcheck.com/people/sherri-joiner/id/f2378742406175452292 Grandfather: https://www.fastbackgroundcheck.com/people/richard-joiner/id/f8037108760963709576 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seriously, don't cheat. -V