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                             dP                       dP   
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.d8888b. .d8888b. 88d888b. d8888P .d8888b. dP.  .dP d8888P 
88'  `"" 88'  `88 88'  `88   88   88ooood8  `8bd8'    88   
88.  ... 88.  .88 88    88   88   88.  ...  .d88b.    88   
`88888P' `88888P' dP    dP   dP   `88888P' dP'  `dP   dP   

Ginger piece of shit that keeps coming at me for no reason and gets very easily offended + she wanted me to dox her (keept asking me to send her dox on discord), also kept requesting my location on snap to leak my adress ????


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$$ |                                                                                                                                                                                
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Full name: Kendall Gammons
Address:1924 Lakewood St North Charleston, South Carolina
Gender: Female
School: Randolph County School System, NC, USA
School website: www.randolph.k12.nc.us
face pic :

                           oo          dP          
.d8888b. .d8888b. .d8888b. dP .d8888b. 88 .d8888b. 
Y8ooooo. 88'  `88 88'  `"" 88 88'  `88 88 Y8ooooo. 
      88 88.  .88 88.  ... 88 88.  .88 88       88 
`88888P' `88888P' `88888P' dP `88888P8 dP `88888P' 

tiktok: @goodvibekendall
snapchat: kpgammons
xbox: kpgammons


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