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 reason of dox: lying about his age saying he was 18 to get with an 18 year old, threatening to have her door kicked down in a week, having multiple friends harass n text her number 24/7 and threatening to kill her.
 lying about being able to dox and swat isnt cool >.<
victim: Keegan Lemons/vermillion
age: 16
born: June, 2007
phone number: 417-664-0528
current address: 121 Peacock Ln Linn Creek, MO 65052   https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/121-Peacock-Ln_Linn-Creek_MO_65052_M89724-65582
possible emails: 
Roblox: @runmyband          https://www.roblox.com/users/1917241335/profile
instagram: @keeganlmk       https://www.instagram.com/keeganlmk
tiktok: @keeganlmk/qgm      https://www.tiktok.com/@keeganlmk   https://www.tiktok.com/@qgm   https://www.tiktok.com/@keegan101lol
spotify: heyvoid            https://open.spotify.com/user/keglemons
discord: @worshipkry/peck#0001


mothers name: Wendy Lemons
mothers age: 48
mothers dob: 7/31/1975
mothers business address:
Krazy Korner Conoco convenient store 9407 Highway 5
Grovespring, MO, United States                                                    
Wendy Massey Lemons / Vermillion   https://www.facebook.com/wendy.lemons.14

fathers name: N/A
fathers age: N/A    
fathers dob: N/A

Bob Vermillion         https://www.facebook.com/bob.vermillion.969
Geneva Jones Lemons    https://www.facebook.com/geneva.lemons
Steve Allen            https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100058401947240
Lavon Vermillion       https://www.facebook.com/lavon.vermillion.5                                 most of them seen below
Brent Jones            https://www.facebook.com/brent.jones.1000      https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1029623526476488715/1146696393273118771/image.png
Leaschia Irvin         https://www.facebook.com/leaschia.irvin
Marvin-Marlena Clopton https://www.facebook.com/marlena.massey.1
Loretta Coday Pyatt    https://www.facebook.com/loretta.c.pyatt
Morgan Lemons

possible/current addresses: 
121 Peacock Ln Linn Creek, MO 65052    (current)
4040, Apple Valley Dr Arnold MO 63010
22655, Gardner Road
location: Camdenton, MO


school: Camdenton High School
link: https://chs.camdentonschools.org
address: 662 Laker Pride Rd. Camdenton, MO 65020
number: (573) 346-9232
district number: 573-684-8056

science teacher: Andrew Fecteau
current number: 6309017044
past numbers:
age: 29
born: January, 1994
current/past addresses:
918 Tuscany Dr Unit 1G Camdenton, MO 65020
523 Squaw Valley Dr Camdenton, MO 65020
1205 Ronzheimer Ave Saint Charles, IL 60174
possible emails:

principles name: Brett Thompson
age: 47
born: 3/16/1976
current/past numbers: 
address 282 Claremont Rdg Camdenton, MO 65020

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