___________________________________________________________________________________ | Table of contents | |_________________________________________________________________________________| |> 0x1 General Information | |> 0x2 Family/Parents | |> 0x3 Social Medias | |> 0x4 Database Entries | |> 0x5 Credits & Notes | __________________________________________________________________________________| +--^----------,--------,-----,--------^-, | ||||||||| `--------' | TrolllO `+---------------------------^----------| `\_,---------,---------,--------------' / XXXXXX /'| /' / XXXXXX / `\ /' / XXXXXX /`-------' / XXXXXX / / XXXXXX / (________( `------' ___________________________________________________________________________________ | General Information 0x1 | |_________________________________________________________________________________| |> Full name: Kayla Park | |> Aliases: kayLLLa | |> SheGotSkill | |> BakerKayla | |> IP Addresses: | |> | |> | |> Internet Provider: Comcast Cable Communications | |> Address: 53 Bunny Rd Preston, CT 06365 | |> Old Addresses: 56 Strawberry St, Lisbon, CT 06351 | |> 56 Strawberry St # 99 Jewett City, CT 06351 | |> DOB/AGE: 17 | |> Phone Numbers: +1 (860) 383-5622 | |> Personal emails: kaylapark2222@gmx.com | |> kaylapark222222@gmx.com | |> kaylapark22@gmx.com | |> kaylasmpark@gmx.com | |> Education: Norwich Free Academy | |> Passwords: petshop | |> SheGotSkill | |> Photos: https://prnt.sc/111pye1 | |> | |> | |> | |_________________________________________________________________________________| ___________________________________________________________________________________ | Family/Parents 0x2 | |_________________________________________________________________________________| |> MOTHER | |> Full name: Krista Lynn Park | |> Address: 53 Bunny Rd Preston, CT 06365 | |> Date of Birth: 03/01/1971 (50) | |> Phone Numbers: +1 (860) 222-3986 | |> Personal emails: KRISTAPARK@COMCAST.NET | |> krista.park@charter.net | |> kpark3889@ymail.com | |> krista.park@verizon.net | |> Random: https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/registry/provider-view/1619170081 | |> Passwords: c3n5u5 | |> c3n5u52010 | |> Photos: N/A | |> License Number: 005232 | |> | |> FATHER | |> Full name: Sung K Park | |> Address: 56 Strawberry St Apt 99 Jewett City, CT 06351 | |> Date of Birth: 01/03/1967 (54) | |> Phone Numbers: +1 (860) 376-8111 | |> | |> BROTHER | |> Full name: Ryan Park | |> Address: 53 Bunny Rd Preston, CT 06365 Old Address | |> He's in College somewhere in Providence, Rhode Island | |> DOB/AGE: 21 | |> Phone Numbers: +1 (630) 776-0753 | |> Personal emails: r*****9@aol.com | |> Education: N/A | |> Photos: https://prnt.sc/10s3kag | __________________________________________________________________________________| ============================= NAME Soon Yonug Park AGE 89 DOB 2/24/1932 HOUSE ADDRESS 87 Strawberry St Jewett City, CT 06351 EMAILS spark1367@yahoo.com s*******6@gmail.com PHONE NUMBER +1 (860) 376-1931 VINS 1G1ZC5E14BF128456 PASSWORD congratulations ============================= Some random relatives: Dan Park Email: d*******e@gmail.com MiaLynne M Park Email: mialynne.park@gmail.com Address: 169 Strawberry Street, Lisbon, CT, 06351 DOB: 07/10/1996 Highschool: Norwich Free Academy University: Bryant University Photo: https://prnt.sc/10wpj5e Grace J Park: Address: 87 Strawberry Street , Lisbon , CT 06351 DOB: 12/19/1993 Work: CVS pharmacy manager Email: g*******1@yahoo.com Myoung Park Emails: free.bird.64@live.com myounghee2006@yahoo.com myounghee@yahoo.com s****11@ymail.com Passwords: my0ung64 qutie_101 shop4dance Address: 87 Strawberry St, Jewett City, CT, 06351 Number: +1 (860) 376-8111 Sunny Park Stephanie Park Katie Park Eric Park * Kayla's Other Brother * also in college Sarah Park ___________________________________________________________________________________ | Social Medias 0x3 | |_________________________________________________________________________________| |> https://www.instagram.com/kaaylaaa14/ | |> https://namemc.com/profile/KaylaTheLegend.1 | |> https://namemc.com/profile/turnovers.2 | |> https://www.tiktok.com/@bakerakakayla | |> kayla#6379 (Discord) | |> kaylapark14 (Snapchat) | |> Eric's MC's: | |> mine.ly/mrladyson.1 | |> mine.ly/Park_Brothers.1 | |> mine.ly/PirateKing207.1 | |> mine.ly/Chrisswagg13.1 | |> mine.ly/Furiousless.1 | |> mine.ly/Pickle_Riick_.1 | |> mine.ly/WatermelonHusky.1 | |> mine.ly/pepsi1max.1 | |> mine.ly/Dark26x.1 | |> mine.ly/oMagiicc.1 | |> mine.ly/GeepersCreepers2.1 | |> mine.ly/Seagate00.1 | |> mine.ly/Robertb131.1 | |> mine.ly/darrenjimmy.1 | |> mine.ly/Slayerwraith.1 | |> mine.ly/BalloonPie.1 | |> mine.ly/Redoine62640.1 | |> mine.ly/NoseBR.1 | |> mine.ly/Build_UHC.2 | |> mine.ly/ToWn3r.1 | |> mine.ly/directortint.1 | |> mine.ly/johnp40.1 | |> mine.ly/Glass_Menagerie.1 | |> mine.ly/trigop.1 | |> mine.ly/ItzTylerz.1 | |> mine.ly/princesm20.1 | |> mine.ly/NSAMinecraft.1 | |> mine.ly/OwOOwO.3 | |> https://www.amazon.com/wishlist/1R7JJ3ILBXG9S | |> https://www.instagram.com/ryanpark13/ | |> https://www.instagram.com/mialynne.park/ | |> https://www.instagram.com/gracieparkk/ | |> https://www.instagram.com/dank_par/ | |> https://twitter.com/m_pork/ | |> https://www.facebook.com/mialynne.park/ | |> https://www.facebook.com/grace.park.921 | |> https://www.facebook.com/dank.par | |> https://www.facebook.com/ryan.park.37051 | |> https://www.facebook.com/spark0829 | |> https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003067097796 | |> https://www.facebook.com/myoung.park.3 | |> https://www.facebook.com/SunnyPark812 | |> https://www.facebook.com/Yoonhee94 | |> http://www.facebook.com/soonyoung.park.397 | |> ZYNGAS: | |> Kaylapark2222 | |> kaylapark22 | |> Duooy | |> Skype's: | |> bakernamedkayla | |> shegotskill711 | |> ummah13 | |> Katie's TikTok | |> katiep.13 | |> | __________________________________________________________________________________| ___________________________________________________________________________________ | Credits & Notes 0x5 | |_________________________________________________________________________________| | | | TROTLOLOLDD | | | | | | | |_________________________________________________________________________________|