~~~Doxed By Dandy 'n Sweet~~~

Name: Katta Moodd (Mahmoud)
Age: 28 (September 03 1991)
Gender: Male
City: Craiova, Romania
Telephone Number: +40 766 482 049
Civil Status: Married 
Occupation: Doctor (Dentist) 
Email: katta_dent@icloud.com
Car Registration: VN 35TCM
Work Address: Strada Dezrobirii, nr. 141, bl. G19, ap. 1 Craiova
Work Place Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/University-of-Medicine-and-Pharmacy-of-Craiova/108477869176389?rf=108383062519403

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SSS.mahmud?refid=13&ref=content_filter&__tn__=%2Cg
Criminal Record: Spent time in prison for Illegal Drug Trade [Got out of prison due to inside dirty deal]

Information on what he did to a girl:

- Stating to help a girl find a new apartment and wasn't able to find an apartment but booked a hotel instead. 
- at the hotel he allegedly raped a 19 year old victim and took photos and videos of her naked and giving a BJ. 
- threaten to beat the girl up but wouldn't since he was close friends with one of her siblings. 

With added information from the Vitim herself, she wasn't the only victim and requests someone to intervene and stop this person from continuing the attacks.

Pictures of him:

~~~Rapist Has Been Doxed~~~