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║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     0x01 Why I  did this................................║
║ →     0x02 Evidence.......................................║
║ →     0x03 Basic Information..............................║
║ →     0x04 Social.........................................║
║ →     0x05 IP Information.................................║
║ →     0x06 Family & Friends...............................║
║ →     0x07 Credits........................................║

-+-                 0x01 Why I  did this                -+-
 The reason I did this is because she is an indecisive
attention whore that I was very close to, she used me
and blamed me for everything bad that was happening
to her when in reality she was refused all of my
attempts to help her, she wouldn't listen and wouldn't really
care about me in general, she would later accuse me of 
''blanking'' her when I stopped talking to her for some time
due to me needing a break, she made me look like I was the
bad guy to my friends and proceeded to turn them against me.
She would tell me and threaten me that she would overdose on
pills, and that she did OD plenty of times (which is highly
unlikely), after she got all of my friends on her said, she
admitted to using me for ''that extra attention'', and then
denied it once I called her out for it.
Fun facts: she was harassed by a paedophile, she now likes
talking to him and ignored everything that I said about
blocking him.
           she used to be a ''transgender'' individual,
before switching back to female, then having another
''gender crisis'' and crying about it to me.
-+-                     0x02 Evidence                  -+-
Her saying that she used me for attention: https://imgur.com/a/8L30U8O
Her reporting my server for no apparent reason to seem cool: https://imgur.com/a/mbJobRF
Her denying that she ever said she used me for attention: https://imgur.com/a/yrea92r
Hey blaming everything on me: https://imgur.com/a/kkxKams
Her trying to convince others that she has my address (she does not btw) to impress others: https://imgur.com/a/zQ96Ydc
Hey being a whore for me: https://imgur.com/a/vDaobXT (you don't have to look at this picture)
-+-             0x03 Personal Information               -+-
db    db d888888b  .o88b. d888888b d888888b .88b  d88.
88    88   `88'   d8P  Y8 `~~88~~'   `88'   88'YbdP`88
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 `8bd8'    .88.   Y8b  d8    88      .88.   88  88  88
   YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P YP  YP  YP

Alias: Katsuki/Kat
Full name: Samantha Trayan
Age: 16
Phone Number: 5093173920
Email: ssupernovuh@gmail.com 
Country: United States Of America
Address: 4901 Summitview Ave, Yakima, WA 98908
School: unknown
Gender: Female
Sex: Female
Race: White American (?)
Height: ¬5'8
Weight: ¬88 lbs (or ¬40 kg)
Timezone: GMT-8
Occupation: Sucks her father off 24/7
How she looks like: https://imgur.com/a/5qWp9rD
Language: English
Religion: Atheist
Pet(s): 1 dog and 2 cats (?)
Discord account email: ssupernovuh@gmail.com 
Discord account password: Ccobric000rn335 (she might've have changed it)
-+-                    0x04 Social Media               -+-
Discord: Katsuki#8480
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvZdaP3t1FHrPUcKv_N352A
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/ghosteii/
-+-                   0x05 IP Information              -+-
Current IP Address:
IP Type: Static
ISP: Charter Communications
Registration Date: 27.11.2017
Name: CC04
Region: Washington
City: Yakima
-+-                 0x06 Family & Friends               -+-
   Address: 5502 220th St SW Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
   Phone Number: (206) 362-1931 (landline)
   Age: 40's

   Address: 4901 Summitview Ave Yakima, WA 98908
   Phone Number: (206) 364-6447
                 (206) 533-8454 (landline)
   Age: 40's

-+-                    0x07 Credits                     -+-
