
Karzigg, or Sebastian Treichler, is a very large, nasty and fat twat.

The deeds that the puny faggot has committed:
1. Asked an underage girl in a videogame-related Discord server for nude photographs.
2. Invited a different minor to a sexual Discord server.
3. Forced a pedophilic roleplay, and only stopped when someone said "If the FBI sees this, I got nothing to do with this".
4. Claimed to have a wife and a real child since the age of 12.
5. Threatened suicide to excuse his constant bullshittery.
6. Being an absolute liar:
6.1. Stole a picture of a gun and claimed it to be his.
6.2. Constantly stealing the creations of other users on a particular videogame website, and claiming them as his own.
6.3. Frequent usage of emotional blackmail to get people to do what he wishes.

Now to the real-life info part:
Name: Sebastian Treichler
Email address: treichlersebas@gmail.com
Possible address: 325 55th St NE Trlr 18, Rochester, MN 55906 (not confirmed yey)
Education: Mayo High School (dropped out of)
Discord handle: Ryker Marrison#0640

Father: Raymond Treichler (believed to be in prison)
Brother: Leo Treichler
Mother: unknown (disowned Sebastian)

The face of Sebastian (look, he even has man tits!):
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