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┃Reason for Dox:                                           ┃
   ┃                  Table Of Contents                     ┃
   ┃                                                        ┃
   ┃    0x01  Introduction....................              ┃
   ┃    0x02  Victim..........................              ┃
   ┃    0x03  Social media....................              ┃                              
   ┃    0x04  Family..........................              ┃
   ┃    0x05  Database Entries................              ┃
┃                    0x01 Introduction                     ┃
Man this kid has an OG acc so ez extortion
Also he's  a toxic retard with an ego bigger than his dick
If any of u ever see him online tell him "greetings from s7"
┃                    0x02 The Victim                       ┃
Alias: Karma / RestoryMC
Full name: Noah S Criss
Age: 20s
Email: restory.faction@gmail.com
Phone: N/A
Address: 16 Hillside Ave Winchester, MA 01890
Pictures of the victim: http://prntscr.com/qb7z27
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┃                           0x03 Social Media                          ┃
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Javacart11 (Alex)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elicriss1 (Eli)
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user5102235 (Alex, linked by email)
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/david.criss/ (David)
Instagram: http://web.stagram.com/n/allencriss (Allen)
Snapchat: dcriss323 (David)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noah.chris.39 (Noah)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/spcriss (Sandra)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jake.criss (Jake)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/allen.criss.9 (Allen)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linda.criss.71 (Linda)
NameMC: https://namemc.com/karma (Noah)
NameMC: https://namemc.com/profile/Kangaskhan. (Noah)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo8gURXVKjrJnxLCgaHdE2g (Noah)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMEtGkk14xL8uAdg8Kbnl4Q (Noah)
Skype: live:restory.faction (Noah)
Discord: N/A
Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/profile/crissfive (Sandra)
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2GIU15GUIWZ72 (David)
Pinterest: https://nl.pinterest.com/allencriss/ (Allen) 
Github: https://github.com/allencriss (Allen)
┃                           0x04 Family Members                        ┃               
Full name: Sandra Passmore Criss
Age: 54
DOB: November 1965
Email: crissfive@verizon.net
Address: 16 Hillside Ave Winchester, MA 01890
Cell: 617-281-4119 (AT&T)
Landline: 781-721-5162 (Verizon)
Full name: Alex Criss
Age: 62
DOB: January 1957
Workplace: Data Viz Inc
Email: sdc4@cs.com
Email: sdc4@lycos.com
Email: sdc4@attbi.com
Email: coolidge@dataviz.com
Email: sdc4@comcast.net
Email: sdc@attbi.com
Email: sdc@cs.com
Email: coolidge@bellsouth.com
Address: 16 Hillside Ave WINCHESTER, MA 01890
Cell: N/A
Landline: 781-721-5162 (Verizon)
Full name: Davis I Criss
Age: 56
DOB: December 1963
Workplace: Partners Health Care
Workplace: Data Viz Inc
Email: david.criss@comcast.net
Email: sdc@cs.com
Email: coolidge@dataviz.com
Email: sdc4@attbi.com
Email: sdc@attbi.com
Email: sdc4@cs.com
Email: coolidge@bellsouth.com
Email: jac56789@aol.com
Email: acriss@partners.org
Email: dcriss@partners.org
Address: 16 Hillside Ave WINCHESTER, MA 01890
Cell: 781-424-7639 (Verizon)
Landline: 781-721-5162 (Verizon)
Full name: Allen Joseph Criss
Age: 82
DOB: June 1937
IP: N/A 
Email: acriss6400@aol.com
Email: allencriss@juno.com
Address: 251 Crandon Blvd Apt 820 KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149
Cell: 305-322-3190 (AT&T) 
Landline: 305-498-6999 (AT&T)
Full name: Linda Ann Criss
Age: 80
DOB: April 1939
Email: acriss6400@aol.com
Email: lindacriss@mac.com
Address: 251 Crandon Blvd Apt 820 KEY BISCAYNE, FL 33149
Cell: 305-322-3190 (AT&T)
Landline: 305-498-6999 (AT&T)
Full name: Alexandra J Criss
Age: 54
DOB: November 1965
Email: sdc4@comcast.net
Email: sdc@attbi.com
Email: sdc4@attbi.com
Email: sdc4@lycos.com
Address: N/A
Cell: N/A
Landline: 781-721-5162 (Verizon)
Full name: Jacob Aaron Criss
Age: 25
DOB: September 1994
Email: N/A
Address: 16 Hillside Ave
Cell: 617-281-4119 (AT&T)
Landline: 781-721-5162 (Verizon)
Full name: Samuel Ethan Criss
Age: 22
DOB: January 1997
Email: N/A
Address: N/A
Cell: 781-424-7639 (Verizon)
Landline: 781-721-5162 (Verizon) 
┃                           0x05 DB Entries                            ┃

Desteria_900k (4).txt
1119924:[00:10:48] |559954|2017-05-13 23:31:06.0|Kangaskhan      |e885d434-6e71-4986-b528-48cc8b354d6f|  |

559613:Kangaskhan      |e885d434-6e71-4986-b528-48cc8b354d6f|  |

1720:e56a18ea-e958-43dc-83d4-c78a6ee5fa19 Karma

Iratus_ips_10k (2).txt

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71520:Kangaskhan      |e885d434-6e71-4986-b528-48cc8b354d6f|  |
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106379:BufferAlt27     |69b3fcbd-48d9-4556-9889-a2f45a0ac9d4|  |

Minecraft - Ostiapvp_Buycraft_Logs.csv
3218:13847942   PayPal  8XH85600G88211734       $2.50   Feb 17, 2017 05:49      e885d4346e714986b52848cc8b354d6f       Kangaskhan       restory.faction@gmail.com   noah criss      16 hillside avenue, , Winchster, 01890, Massachusetts, US
3282:13811267   PayPal  4YA86508HT7619212       $2.50   Feb 13, 2017 08:40      e885d4346e714986b52848cc8b354d6f       Kangaskhan       restory.faction@gmail.com   Noah Criss      16 hillside avenue, , Winchester, 01890, Massachusetts, US
3283:13811230   PayPal  02N26148GD863550P       $2.50   Feb 13, 2017 08:33      e885d4346e714986b52848cc8b354d6f       Kangaskhan       restory.faction@gmail.com   Noah Criss      16 hillside avenue, , Winchester, 01890, Massachusetts, US

3218:13847942,PayPal,8XH85600G88211734,$2.50,"Feb 17, 2017 05:49",e885d4346e714986b52848cc8b354d6f,Kangaskhan,restory.faction@gmail.com,,"noah criss","16 hillside avenue, , Winchster, 01890, Massachusetts, US"
3282:13811267,PayPal,4YA86508HT7619212,$2.50,"Feb 13, 2017 08:40",e885d4346e714986b52848cc8b354d6f,Kangaskhan,restory.faction@gmail.com,,"Noah Criss","16 hillside avenue, , Winchester, 01890, Massachusetts, US"
3283:13811230,PayPal,02N26148GD863550P,$2.50,"Feb 13, 2017 08:33",e885d4346e714986b52848cc8b354d6f,Kangaskhan,restory.faction@gmail.com,,"Noah Criss","16 hillside avenue, , Winchester, 01890, Massachusetts, US"
3348:13803108,PayPal,28512921YK4402522,$5.00,"Feb 12, 2017 21:55",e885d4346e714986b52848cc8b354d6f,Kangaskhan,restory.faction@gmail.com,,"Noah Criss","16 hillside avenue, , Winchester, 01890, Massachusetts, US"
3412:13795965,PayPal,46B90258NB763541D,$12.50,"Feb 12, 2017 08:03",e885d4346e714986b52848cc8b354d6f,Kangaskhan,restory.faction@gmail.com,,"Noah Criss","16 hillside avenue, , Winchester, 01890, Massachusetts, US"
3472:13791848,PayPal,2VD10972WB742464H,$7.50,"Feb 12, 2017 02:48",e885d4346e714986b52848cc8b354d6f,Kangaskhan,restory.faction@gmail.com,,"Noah Criss","16 hillside avenue, , Winchester, 01890, Massachusetts,