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Title:Kareem Mohammed
Created:Nov 4th, 2024
Created by: LeafyWasHere [Criminal]
Views: 366
Comments: 3
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Stake.com/Arab Reason for dox: Scammer Name: كريم Kareem/Karim Mohammed A/K/A "lil travvyy" DOB: February 26th, 2004 E-mail: kmqatar17@gmail.com Phone: +974 77401538 // vfqatar.egain.cloud: Due to non recharge for long time , account is inactive now . // new provider (unconfirmed): ooredoo.qa Location: الدوحة Doha, Qatar Photo: https://www.gotapnow.com/web/tmprsim/PRS7037439.png https://files.catbox.moe/ajglop.png .:LOGINS:&:PASSWORDS:. stake.com/:arab:kareemashere1@ www.paypal.com/qa/signin:kmqatar17@gmail.com:kareemashere1@ www.facebook.com/login.php:kmqatar17@gmail.com:kareemashere1@$ www.instagram.com/accounts/login/:mightykarim:kareemashere1@km@ www.mtcgame.com/tr-TR/login:kmqatar17@gmail.com:kareemashere1@ www.shein.com/user/auth/login:kmqatar17@gmail.com:kareemashere1@ https://www.tap.company/qa/en/sell/activate,kmqatar17@gmail.com,kareemashere1@ https://www.carddelivery.com/checkout/,kmqatar17@gmail.com,kareemashere1@ accounts.google.com/signup/v2/webcreateaccount:ftvbyuntt5334:kareemashere1@# kmqatar17@gmail.com:tGHDgdcXJzVjlKDZqqgplW kmqatar17@gmail.com:tGHDgdcXJzVjlKDZqqgplW app.smsplaza.io/register:kmqatar17@gmail.com:+447562459437:(receive-smss.com/sms/447562459437/) www.netflix.com/signup/regform:felxsam1@gmail.com:qwer1234@ www.paypal.com/signin:felxsam1@gmail.com:kareemashere1@ felxsam1@gmail.com:kareemAShere12 (394494,'lilmartix','$argon2id$v=19$m=1048576,t=4,p=1$NWxvMEJEa0tXNHpYZ1lWZw$zVkP0HqVhPRBWdbQv2ZhBe0Dt7Z5ogMiRU1IlbB/9Q8','TXwlWjRH','x5WPSSxJAc4Q2RUtitggXVISZqOfodMWjNoOKLkt0LrKxfZ5je','kmqatar17@gmail.com',0,0,0,'','','',2,'',0,'',1627408722,1628727130,1627408798,0,'','0','','','','all','',1,0,0,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,'',1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,'','','-4',0,0,'','',85,0,0,'0','','0**$%%$1**$%%$2**$%%$3**$%%$4**','',0,0,0,_binary ' \ \ ',_binary ' \0 ','',117,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,'',0,0,0,0,0,'[]',0,0,0,'','',0,0,1,0.00,0,NULL,0,0,'',NULL,0,NULL,NULL,'',NULL,1,'','','',1,1,2,0,0,0,0,'',0,'',0,NULL,0,'argon2id',0,'',0,0,0,0,1,1,1) flipd.gg/lilmartix:kareemashere1@ twitch.tv/karmloz x.com/UncleZkam https://www.reddit.com/user/UncleZkam smash.gg:kmqatar17@gmail.com:qwer1234@:Friend, Omar Othman aka ZAKX, Egypt. -- Subject: A Dazzling Reckoning | UR ALL FUCKING DEAD! From: kmqatar17@gmail.com To: alfazaa@moi.gov.qa BCC: tell-us@qatarairways.com.qa qrcargoenquiries@qatarairways.com.qa llqas@qataraviation.com contact-us@hamadairport.com.qa contact@hukoomi.qa info@mot.gov.qa media@gco.gov.qa info@mol.gov.qa info@moj.gov.qa ajaalkuwari@moci.gov.qa Apps_support@mol.gov.qa amalsaadi@moci.gov.qa patent-ip@moci.gov.qa falmotawa@moci.gov.qa mhail@mofa.gov.qa customerservice@ashghal.gov.qa info@mcit.gov.qa srivastavas@qcb.gov.qa Office.Doha@trade.gov cpc@moci.gov.qa To whom it may concern, I am Kareem Mohammed, born on February 26, 2004, in Doha, Qatar. In a world rife with hate and persecution, particularly against our LGBTQ+ community here, it is time for us to rise and make our presence felt. We have witnessed too many acts of violence and too many lives shattered by intolerance. The silence must end. Our response? A "G-Litter" bomb we like to call it—a vibrant explosion that serves as a stark reminder of our resilience amidst the darkness. As we cover their spaces with shimmering defiance, we will also shine a light on the hate crimes that plague our existence, not just here but in places like Sudan and beyond. The real "light show" will be the MULTIPLE Vehicle-borne IEDs placed at different locations with friend, Omar "ZAKX" Othman, Egypt.شهيد This isn’t merely a spectacle; it’s a reckoning. Let them choke on our brilliance as it infiltrates their lives, a dazzling reminder that we are here and will not be silenced. Our colors will intertwine with the darkness they create—a beautiful chaos that cannot be ignored. Prepare yourselves. The time for quiet endurance is over. Together, we will make them see us, hear us, and recognize the strength of our community. While laundering our funds raised on my facebook and through paypal, we utilized stake.com gambling under the username "arab", we ended up winning enough to fund enough "glitter" bombs to take out entire fucking blocks. The explosives have been set up, and the manifesto will be published to all news agencies from my personal email kmqatar17@gmail.com and posted on https://www.reddit.com/user/UncleZkam right before we detonate our high casuality improvised explosive devices... While we wait in multiple locations, also live streaming the event on my instagram @mightykarim, mowing down all survivers with our freshly bought AK-47's. There will be no survivor's of this, we must elimate all of the ignorant muslims and join the West and Isreal. If you are reading this after the attacks, your incompetence shall leave you unrest. I will then leave the country for a very short time and come back with an army. ريم P.S. Here is a GOOD photo of me to use on the news (only show my face if we successfully killed at least a dozen homophobic racists.) https://www.gotapnow.com/web/tmprsim/PRS7037439.png
2 months ago
2 months ago
2 months ago